Sleepless Nights...Help!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by jvtwins, Feb 26, 2010.

  1. jvtwins

    jvtwins Member

    My twins are 10 months and still wake up at night. Sometimes they wake up at the same time, (usually one will wake the other up from crying) and other times they take turns so mommy doesn't get any sleep. What can I do to make them sleep through the night?? The twins nap well during the day...they take 3 naps, usually 1-1.5 hours each time and they go to bed at 8pm.
  2. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    What are they doing when they wake up? Are they taking a bottle or the breast? Are they able to self soothe themselves back to sleep?

    At 10 months we were doing 2 naps a day. We dropped the third afternoon catnap and they went to bed at 5:30-6pm. I wonder if they are getting too much sleep during the day with (3) 1.5 hour naps. I would try and earlier bedtime and eliminate the last nap.
  3. Momof2wonders

    Momof2wonders Well-Known Member

    Sorry to hear you aren't getting much sleep at night, it is rough[​IMG]
    I agree with PP in regards to dropping the third nap, we do two naps a day and they go down for the night between 6 and 7pm. They sometimes wake up, but a quick bit of milk, sends them back to sleep quickly. Maybe try to "fill" them up in the afternoon-evening also so that they aren't likely to wake-up hungry.
  4. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We had also eliminated the 3rd nap by that age. If they are still eating in the night, maybe a quick dreamfeed or trying to get rid of the night feeding altogether would help. If they aren't eating, CIO is a possibility or one of the other no cry sleep solutions.
  5. jvtwins

    jvtwins Member

    thanks everyone. i've been cutting out the third nap however they still wake up at night. right now they're both teething, they're top teeth are coming in, so that's part of the problem. when they wake, they usually take milk and eventually go back to slep. should I cut out the milk at night? i'll try putting them to bed earlier..that may help.
  6. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I personally don't think a 10 month old needs to eat at night, you can either try quitting cold turkey, or you can wean them down, by mixing more water into their bottle. Gradually increase the water until it's all water and they should stop wanting it. They should increase the amount they eat during the day to make up for the lack of food at night.

    Do you have a good bedtime routine established? It doesn't have to be much, just something that you do each and every night. Also, do they have a white noise machine or small fan running in their room? That helps to block any little noises that might be waking them up, as well as keeps the air circulating in their room. We also use lullabies, if they wake for some reason I turn their lullabies back on and it helps to settle them down.
  7. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    I gave my twins a dream bottle before I went to bed at 9 pm or 10. They slept until 6 am. (bedtime of 6 pm) Now with my big hungry singleton she has always woke in the night for a feed. The twins are just not hungry babies and still aren't. I guess because she wakes at different times I know it isn't habit. Plus she finishes a bottle. Hungry girl.

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