Sleeping on the floor....

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by BigKyle, Apr 9, 2011.

  1. BigKyle

    BigKyle Active Member

    Ok so my boys just turned 2 on 3/20

    So the wife and I decided it would be time to get them 2 "big boy" beds (aka toddler beds) we kept their same mattresses from their cribs (there there one the best ones at the time we purchased them)and same blankets, / stuffed animals / glow worms from their crib...

    The transition was extremely smooth.. no waking up to play in the middle of the night, no fighting going to sleep, or anything like that..

    everything was going wonderful, until yesterday.. My wife called me at work to tell me, landon decided not to sleep in his bed, but instead took his pillow and blankets and slept on the floor... we laughed it off, saying what a silly boy...

    but last night same thing... then again at nap time today...

    well we just put them down (about 30-45 minutes later than normal, he laid down in his head and we though everything was going to go back to "normal" but as we said goodnight and walked out of the room, he said "nooooo" then grabbed all his stuff to sleep on the floor...

    Is this just a phase? are we doing something wrong? I hate to think that he falls asleep on the floor (we move him in to the bed after he falls asleep. but somewhere in the night he climbs back down because we wake up to him on the floor... )

    I just don't know what to do.. his brother has no issues about sleeping in his own bed…
  2. rissakaye

    rissakaye Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I wouldn't worry about. It will make traveling and staying at relatives home much easier. As long as he knows it's his choice and he can sleep in his bed.

  3. rebekahj

    rebekahj Well-Known Member

    My boys moved to toddler beds a few weeks ago and still usually fall asleep on the floor. If we moved them to the beds after they're asleep, they'll stay in the beds though. I just hope that they'll eventually decide that the bed is more comfortable.
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It's phase. My DD did this when we transitioned her to a toddler bed, started sleeping in her bed again and just over the past two weeks, now she is sleeping on the floor again. As long as he is getting sleep, it's all that matters.
  5. BigKyle

    BigKyle Active Member

    Ok, tahnks for the replys...

    Last night, he fell alseep on the floor, so after he was asleep i put him in his bed, then around 7:00 this morning, he woke up... put his stuff back on the floor then fell asleep..
  6. Nancy C

    Nancy C Well-Known Member

    Kids are comfortable in the craziest places! I wouldn't worry about it, if he goes to the same spot every time you could put his mattress there. I have a nearly 4 year old who refuses a bed. He sleeps in a sleeping bag on the floor. We bought a little sleeping mat to cushion under it.
  7. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Mine went thru a stage of this. I'd put them in their toddler beds and find them in the floor the next morning
  8. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I remember sleeping on the ground sometimes when I was a kiddo. I turned out mostly fine. As long as they're getting sleep, that's all I'd be worried about. :D
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