Sleeping Arrangements?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by jdandson, Nov 30, 2007.

  1. jdandson

    jdandson Well-Known Member

    Ok so this may be crazy, but we are getting a new bed(King, YAY!), and i was thinking of putting our old queen size in the babies room, they sleep MUCH better in out bed than in their cribs. Does this sound insane? Is is possible that the idea may work, having them sleep together in their own room.
    Just a footnote, the babies usually end up in our bed anyway, so my thinking is they can just sleep in the same bed as normal, but in their own room!!
  2. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Are they climbing out of their cribs? How high is the bed? I would be reluctant to move them out of cribs at such a young age, we just moved ours into toddler beds a month ago.
  3. **Sandy**

    **Sandy** Well-Known Member

    We moved our girls out of cribs at around 22 months old and they did fine. We moved them into toddler beds at that time, but I am considering letting them both sleep in the queen size bed that is currently in our guest room. I also have a friend who has her twin girls sharing a queen size bed. They were probably 2 when they made the switch. If your kids are ready to get out of the crib, the queen size bed would be great, but I would probably start with the mattress on the floor so that they do not fall far if they fall out.
  4. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    As long as it isn't too high so they don't get hurt if they fall off. I would try it for a couple naps & see how it goes before doing it at night. Sounds like a good idea to me! My mom had 8 kids & we all had our own beds......but would always cram in together. :)
  5. HeyThere

    HeyThere Well-Known Member

    I moved some of mine into big beds at 18 months... just get rails and make sure its not too high. :) Good luck.

    Oh and you are not crazy!
  6. threebecamefive

    threebecamefive Well-Known Member

    I don't think you are crazy! We plan on moving our boys into a double bed when they are moved out of their cribs. I just don't want to move them out of their cribs quite yet! My DD was moved into a twin bed when she was 19 months old. We put a bed rail on it, and she did fine. Only fell out of it when she tried to crawl out and was too sleepy to keep her balance. After a few weeks, she did fine. We took off the bed rail when she was 2.5. My concern with 2 is that they play too much and don't sleep. Let us know how they do!
  7. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    Our girls have always slept together. They had a crib that was the size of a twin bed (we had it specially made). But we didn't have the rails taken off until after third birthday. So I think it would depend on how much they move and if you can easily attach rails or if you could put it directly on the floor so that it's not far to fall while they get used to it.
  8. MissyEby

    MissyEby Well-Known Member

    Hi there, I don't think you are crazy at all....I would agree with the PP and put the mattress on the floor to start with. Then when they get used to can put it on the frame and put up some rails!

    Good luck to ya

  9. needmoresleep

    needmoresleep Active Member

    I think it is a great idea! When our older twins turned 2, we put them on a queen aerobed on the floor. They love sleeping together, and the mattress isn't far off the floor. Too, it gives you room to lay down if need be (getting them back to sleep, etc.). I have known many folks who put just a mattress on the floor and let them sleep there. My brother was out of his crib by 18 months, so that is what my mom did.

    We also use a gate at the top of the stairs just in case someone sleep walks or gets up at night. I have a friend who put a screen door on her babies room so she could hear the baby and see him, but the baby could not get out in the middle of the night (it also kept the cats out of his room!).

    As far as keeping each other up, they really don't. We read for about 15-20 minutes then it is lights out (nap is the same). If they are awake when when the lights are turned off, sometimes they will sing to each other. After about a month of sleeping this way, they just got used to it and it worked out. The only real issue we have had is one wakes up about 30 minutes before the other one at times and he wants his brother up too! Now he either comes out of his room to find us or he will look at books on the floor for about 10 minutes.
  10. Appymomma

    Appymomma Well-Known Member

    We started a mattress on the floor at 14 months, with rails, that lasted a week.
    Then we went with just the mattress on the floor
    At 2 we raised the bed off the floor with rails,then about 4 months later ditched the rails.
    Now at 3 is in the top of a bunk bed. Crazy I know
  11. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Our older kids were all out of cribs & in normal beds before they were two with no problems. You can get rails that will keep them from falling out. Your only problem might be getting them to go to bed, because they can just get off the bed unlike with the crib.
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