Sleeping arrangement with babies at night?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by jdorourk, Jun 19, 2012.

  1. jdorourk

    jdorourk Well-Known Member

    Curious what others sleeping arrangements are with your twins. We do not co sleep with them in our room and dont think we ever will.

    Our twins are just over 9 weeks old and i feel their wake times at night are not completely predictable so either myself or DH will do shifts and sleep in the nursery with them. Our kids do make noises a lot in their sleep so i wake a lot when im on shift.

    Did you always have someone sleeping with your kids in their room and if so until what age or when they were STTN? Or did you always sleep in your room with a monitor or transition to a monitor when they slept longer and wake times more predictable?

    One other option for us- the nursery is next door to our bedroom and the only sound i can hear thru the wall is crying. I could sleep in my room and wait to be woken by crying but i'd be worried i might not hear something i should.
  2. Katheros

    Katheros Well-Known Member

    With my twins and my singleton, they slept in a pack n play (the same one even!) in my bedroom until they were regularly sleeping through the night. For my twins, that was around 3-4 months, with my single he didn't move to his room until he was 6 months old. With the twins, I lived in a small two bedroom house and they were right across the hall so I never used a monitor. Now the house we live in has a split bedroom floor plan, our room is on one side and the kids' rooms are on the other so we do use a monitor now for Joshua.
  3. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I didn't see any point moving kids out of our room until they were only waking up once or twice. So they slept in bouncies or swings until that point. My boys were 4 months old when I moved them out; Annabelle could do it now but I need her room to be the spare until the end of next month. As soon as my visitors leave I'll move her out. She is transitioning this weekend to sleeping flat in a PNP or a crib, though, as she seems to want to do it.

    After I get them out, I do use a monitor until they are toddlers and can wake the dead with their cries. :)
  4. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    All 4 of my kids slept in our room until around 9-10 months old. We did partial co sleeping with all of them. Put them to bed in the crib but took them to bed with us if they woke in the night. All were sleeping through the night around 6-9 wks old, with the twins being the latest to STTN.

    Once we moved them into their room, it's across our house, and with fans running in all the bedrooms, and the a/c unit by our closet, and the washer/dryer in our master bath, we have monitors in both kids rooms ;) There's no way I'd hear them crying if I didn't have one. I still have one in my older kids rooms in case they get sick in the middle of the night. My 5 yr old is just now coherent enough to get up and come to my room if she feels nauseated, so it's almost time to take the monitor out of the big kids room!

    We'd rather keep the monitor's in there, than have them puking all night and us not know it, or, alternatively, have them go running through the living room into our room puking all the way! :lol: And since my kids seem to get a stomach virus at least 2-3 times a year...well the twins will have their monitor for several years yet ;)
  5. nerdgirl

    nerdgirl Active Member

    I've done the same thing with all four of my kids - sleep in the same room with them until their grunting and moving about is too much for me to sleep through, then move them somewhere where only the crying wakes me. I just moved out of my babies' room two nights ago (they're four weeks) and I'm getting much better sleep. I think they are, too - my girl is a LOUD sleeper, constantly making noise, and I was getting up and fussing with her almost every time, disturbing her sleep as well as mine. Every time I've decided the only thing I want to be able to hear is crying, all of our sleep has been better. My first two STTN by 2mos, and I expect these two will be well on their way to the same thing.

    I get what you're saying about being worried you'll not hear something you should, but really, the only thing you can hear and actually do something about is the crying. The other stuff will just keep you from falling asleep yourself, and you need your rest.
  6. jnelan

    jnelan Well-Known Member

    We started out with both of the twins in our room (in bouncy chairs/swings) until about 6 weeks. At that point we put Adira in the nursery in a swing and had the monitor in our room. We kept Lilah in our room in another swing since she was smaller and just had surgery and we wanted to keep an eye on her. But now at 11 weeks Adira is in the crib in the nursery and Lilah is in the pack-n-play in the nursery too. They are getting up about twice a night each - sometimes at the same times, sometimes not. But we just wanted them out of our room, especially since their bedtime is around 8-8:30. And our room is just across the hall from the nursery, so it is not a big deal to walk there at night. I still nurse them in our bed, though.

    Their waking times are not at all predictable, but we always hear them on the monitor. We use the Angelcare Baby Sound Monitor if you are thinking of getting one. I really like it because it only comes on when they make substantial noise - we don't hear anything if they are just gurgling in their sleep or talking to themselves.
  7. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    Our kids always slept in their own room and we used a monitor. Our room was too small for them, for one thing, and I am a light sleeper and couldn't have slept a wink with them in there anyway.
  8. praises1139

    praises1139 Well-Known Member

    For the first month, they both slept in our room (in Rock'n Play Sleepers). One of our boys wanted his pacifier every 5 seconds, so I have no idea how they could've been in their own room. Then DH went back to work and I was tired of waking up from every little sound, so we tried to have them sleep in their Sleepers in their own room, but that didn't work. I was nursing but we pumped/bottle fed at night up till that point and I realized I needed to nurse 24/7 and the only place I could comfortably do that was on the couch, so I slept in the living room with the boys for the next two months!!! I tried to let DH sleep in our bed so he could get rested up for work, but when I really needed him, he slept with us downstairs too. I ended up quitting breastfeeding altogether and soon after that, the boys transitioned to their cribs in their own room. It was a little difficult for the next few weeks because they still couldn't self soothe, but they were a LOT better, so we'd soothe them when they needed it. We used the monitor for a while but once they were STTN, I stopped using the monitor because I would wake up if they made a little noise in their sleep and I couldn't get back to sleep. They started STTN without a feeding at 4 mos.
  9. 3under2!

    3under2! Well-Known Member

    Mine are still in my room, sharing a mini crib, but they are just about too big for it and that's all I have room for in here, so in a month or so they are going to be moving out. I do the same thing as a PP, they start out in their cribs but usually end up in my bed.
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