Sleep Specialist

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by 5280babies, Feb 13, 2011.

  1. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    Well, Jude's sleep problems are severe enough now to me that I have decided to consult a sleep specialist regarding help or even looking into a possible disorder. Anyone ever been there, done that? I don't even know where to begin. I am assuming I need to start journaling patterns or lack there of. We have tried everything in the book and then some. Just looking for anyone who can relate and found going to a specialist helpful. Poor girl is just not herself. Today she was up at 4:15 am and it just took me 90 mins to get her back to sleep after she was up 3 hours. She just cannot fall asleep...or relax. I am seeing high anxiety, more difficult temperament than usual even, and just an all around different kid. We have definitely hit the terrible twos but I can't help but think the inconsistencies with her in the sleep department are painting a different picture. I was assuming toddler bed transition for months but honestly they sleep fine in them. I think the terrible twos started in there somewhere, and now I think this is something bigger.
  2. betha

    betha Well-Known Member

    Hi, Yes, we used a sleep consultant. Our twins were about 12-13 months, so we were in a different developmental phase. It was so helpful!!! We were still struggling to establish a really solid sleep plan, and it wasn't working. I had read every book and listened to a zillion bits of advice from everyone about sleep. It was confusing and I didn't understand why it wasn't working. I now understand that my DD is a very sensitive sleeper. Even though things are so much better now, she is easily thrown off of her sleep pattern. I've learned better skills to help keep her on track, and get her back on track.
    I think hiring a sleep consultant was a great choice for us. I only wish we had done it sooner!

    LMK if you have any questions. Beth
  3. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    are you looking for a sleep consultant or for a medical doctor specializing in sleep issues? we used a sleep consultant when the girls were just 3.5 months old to help establish good sleep habits, but i haven't worked with a specialist. have you talked to Jude's pedi about her issues? if you think it's more a medical issue i would start there.
  4. Chillers

    Chillers Well-Known Member

    Like Rachel, I would start with her pedi, to make sure something medical isn't going on. Does she seem to have a stuffy nose often, or breath through her mouth? I remember reading somewhere about kiddos with enlarged tonsils/adenoids often having trouble sleeping and after that was taken care of, night and day. And the whole lack of sleep thing (as I'm sure you know!) is a vicious cycle that they get so hyped from lack of sleep, which leads to trouble falling asleep, lather, rinse, repeat.

  5. Gigantor

    Gigantor Well-Known Member

    I've never used one, but my daughter had terrible sleep habits. She did fall asleep, but could not stay asleep. She woke several (sometimes 10 times) every night...I suspected she had breathing problems caused by enlarged adnoids, but noone listened to me. I finally got up my courage after many sickness and years passing by, and switched her pedi. I turned out to be right. Afther her operation, she never had a sleeping issue anymore.
    I agree with pp...check with your pedi first, rule out any medical problems!
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