Sleep Sacks

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by smiley7, Jun 21, 2010.

  1. smiley7

    smiley7 Well-Known Member

    Ok, you may all be tired of all my posts of late but I really value the opinion of those that have or are going through this with me, so I thought I would ask. DD is a mover and shaker at night :laughing: (scary to think what she'll be as a teenager!!!). So I am often paranoid that her blanket will land on her face, which it has a few times and I may not be there to get it off. So I was thinking of getting both DS and DD a sleep sack. I've been finding that their hands are cold and sometimes their noses are a little cool too.

    What's your opinion on this and if positive, what brand? My only thing is what if they roll over and their legs are bound up in the bag and they can't flip back.

    What do you think?
  2. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We went to sleep sacks when we dropped the swaddle around 5-6 months. They will eventually learn how to roll themselves over in them, but once they start rolling, it really won't matter what you do, they are going to roll themselves onto their belly if that's how they are comfy sleeping. Once they are rolling they have good enough head/neck control that the risk of SIDS drops dramatically.

    I tend to find the cheapest brands I can for stuff like sleep sacks. It's a sack with a zipper, pretty basic construction ;) I know I found some at TJ Maxx for about $8 apiece I think, and walmart had some smaller, lighter weight ones for even cheaper. I think I used kiddopotamus ones mostly, but I can't remember for sure! :lol:
  3. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    I love the Halo sleepsacks. My kids have no problems rolling around in them and their legs don't get stuck. The zipper zips upside down which makes diaper changes super easy. They are not the cheapest, but if you aren't picky about color/pattern, then you can get some good deals on discontinued stuff. Plus, they use them almost every single night, so the per use cost is low.
  4. ChaoticMum

    ChaoticMum Well-Known Member

    We also used sleep sacks for our duo til they could get to a sit on their own. Their hands and nose did get a bit cool to touch but not in a way that seemed to disturb them.
  5. JoellePotter

    JoellePotter Well-Known Member

    We've been using sleep sacks since we stopped swaddling around 5 months old. We have some Children's Place fleece ones that were given to us and we bought another set of Halo sleep sacks. We managed to get some clearanced Halo sleep sacks for $9.99 plus 50% off the second, so only $15 for both. They know how to roll over, sit up, and even climb up in their crib with them on. I keep them in them otherwise they'd never have a blanket on them and we keep our house very cold at night.
  6. lalique

    lalique Well-Known Member

    hmmm never heard of these before... learn something new everyday! :)

    Might have to try these out. Blankets seems to work fine for our girls, but these might be better.
  7. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    Sleep sacks were lifesavers for us - I have wigglers! We used the Halo Sleep sacks. The construction is simple if you know anyone who sews they could probably make you one or two in an afternoon!
  8. brieh

    brieh Well-Known Member

    I received two for a baby gift and the girls sleep in them everynight. This morning I went in to find Quinn sitting up in her crib, trying to stand, pulling on the rails. They do not interfere with movement!!!!!!!!!! I was hoping it would:) Ours don't have the sleeves, so the girls wear sleepers underneath. I think any brand will do. It shouldn't be too heavy. Zippers are easier than button up ones for sure. Most of the nice ones are about $40 here (not sure where you are) but I would even look on craigslist for used ones if you aren't sure you will like them. Sometimes people are selling ones still brand new in the package.
  9. k2daho

    k2daho Well-Known Member

    We use sleep sacks as well and they definitely don't interfere with movement. Our kids roll to their fronts and back while in bed no problem. And once they are sitting/pulling up I think that it will give them just enough restriction of that kind of movement to possibly discourage them and get them to just fall asleep!

    We use Grobags as well as Halo sleep sacks. Grobag is much pricier, but they are my favourite by far and in my opinion totally worth the money. The Halo fleece ones just aren't that breathable, and the cotton ones are just too light for how cool we keep their rooms. The Halo ones are just our backup sleep sacks really. We use the 6-18 month 1.0 tog Grobags. I figure if they wear them for a year then it's WAY worth $40-$50 a sack. In my opinion blankets are just to dangerous to have in the crib whether your little one is a "wiggler" or not. You never know how they get tangled up, and if they kick them off then they might be really cold. I plan to keep on with the sleep sacks until they won't make them in my kids sizes anymore hahaa!

    I say try it out and see if you like it :)
  10. fmcquinn

    fmcquinn Well-Known Member

    We use Halo sleep sacks and love them! One of my girls kicks and spins in her sleep. The sack doesn't seem to bother her at all. In fact, putting them on is a sign it's time to sleep (which makes them both a little crabby before they doze). We have some long-sleeved ones, but I don't see us ever using them since we keep the nursery at 70-72 always.
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