Sleep position- will twins squash one another?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by bkb2008, Sep 24, 2009.

  1. bkb2008

    bkb2008 New Member

    Hi ladies,

    I'm new to this forum and hope I posted this correctly. Could I seek advice from other mothers of multiples on sleep positions in pregnancy please?

    I'm 13wks 4days now and am trying to transition from sleeping on my back to my side. I am sleeping with the help of a body pillow and found I can only sleep on my right side. Often in the mornings, I wake up finding I've spent most of the night sleeping just on one side. From my ultrasounds, I've not found out the position of the twins in my uterus yet.

    My question is: If the twins are side by side, will one be lying on the other as they grow bigger? If so will the one at the bottom become smaller coz he/ she is getting squashed?

    Many thanks in advance!!
  2. MrsDec

    MrsDec Member

    I would say no. I have never heard that this is an issue, so I wouldn't worry too much about it. Plus, they are surrounded by fluid, and at this point in your pregnancy, still very able to move around. Some moms have carried 8 (or more babies) and side sleeping was still the best option. You should be fine!
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I think they will be fine. When I was pregnant I used a body pillow and half laid on that and the mattress on my right side. Congrats on your pregnancy!
  4. brieh

    brieh Well-Known Member

    Don't worry too much. At your stage they are little and very protected in there. At 32 weeks I do fip from my right to left sides in the night and can feel the babies almost under me (ones on the right and ones on the left)when I lay. They wiggle around in there and sometimes it feels like one is falling on top of the other, or I am squishing it. But they are still nice and safe. Sleep while you can, and surround yourself with pillows to be a comfy as possible the babies will be fine :) congrats on your twins :banana:
  5. Kristin N

    Kristin N Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't worry too much. I try to sleep on my left side with a body pillow between my knees. Most nights I wake up because my hips have fallen asleep. I just roll/heave over to the other side and try to keep sleeping. (Lately when I flip I can feel at least one of them move...maybe giving me the finger for waking them up :blbl: )
    Not related to sleeping our last ultrasound baby A gave baby B a nice kick to the head but there is so much cushion/fluid in there I know they're alright!
  6. My3

    My3 Member

    I did ask my ob/gyn very same question as one of my twin is measuring less than the other. But doc told me that my sleeping positions wouldnt affect babies. She suggested me to sleep on my side and use pillow between knees and a side pillow to support my belly.
    Am gonna buy a maternity pillow soon:) (for now my hubby is being my body pillow :blush: )
  7. bkb2008

    bkb2008 New Member

    Thanks ladies!!! I feel a lot better about it now, and glad that I wasn't the only one who wondered about it. It does make sense. Some people have HOM and some must spend most of the gestation sitting under another baby.

    Kristin J N: Wow! What action you saw in your last ultrasound! Looks like you got a lil kung fu master in the making in baby A!
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