Sleep in swing.. nothing else

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Leila956, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. Leila956

    Leila956 Member

    So one baby sleeps in their bouncy chair while the other in a swing. They REFUSE to sleep in a crib (screaming foorreeevveeerrr). How can we transition them to sleeping in a crib? ANY tips will help!!! Thanks!!!!
  2. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    My kids took all naps in the swing and my son slept half the night in one until 7 months old. Transition was easy at that time. I can't see how old your kids are, but if it's working I wouldn't worry about it. My mantra was always that it didn't matter WHERE they slept. It mattered THAT they slept. We would put him in his crib to start the night and then transition to the swing when be woke up crying. Sometimes 10. Sometimes 1.
  3. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    How old are they? Hannah was our earliest crib sleeper at 7wks, the boys were at 12. For naps though all of them slept in bouncy chairs/swings until closer to 4-6 months! Whatever works!:)
  4. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'd go with what works too! You can always transition to cribs later on, but right now you jsut want to make sure everyone is getting rest. :)
  5. Cjoy

    Cjoy Well-Known Member

    Everything mentioned in the pp! I started this same exact topic a few months back when my guys took all their naps in swings. We successfully made the transition into their cribs for naps around 4 months or so, and haven't looked back. They go in their swing now only for a few minutes (they are nearly 7months) maybe a couple times a week. They loved their swings, we spent a ton of $ on batteries for the first few months. I was worried they would never make it to their cribs too. No worries!! They will in time. Meanwhile, whatever it takes to get them to rest is all that is needed!
  6. southernmommy

    southernmommy Well-Known Member

    I agree let them sleep in their swings for now. My girls slept in theirs until 5 months. Being propped up helped with their reflux. I didn't have any problems moving them to their crib.
  7. Chrijodo

    Chrijodo Well-Known Member

    I'm in the "whatever works" boat too. I'm guessing by the fact that your ticker is still a pregnancy ticker that they are relative little yet and I'd imagine it's still survival mode time so if they are sleeping in the swing and bouncy seat I'd let them until it doesn't work for them anymore.
  8. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    You know that saying... if it's not broken....

    My boys slept swaddled in their swings for naptime-until they were six months old! They slept swaddled in their carseats(and everywhere else) until they were four months old.

    Do what works. If they are sleeping-LET THEM SLEEP. You need it too! For us, it was a very easy transition, and we just moved them one day(I gave myself a set date in my mind when to move them). There was no looking back.

    I think you are fine, and they are fine. :hug:
  9. mary2bmeg

    mary2bmeg Member

    DD1 slept in her swing until she was 6 months old!! It was the only place she would sleep other than in the bed with me when she was super collicky. After their 6 month appt. we broke her from the swing cold turkey. I wouldn't worry about it for now as long as you're getting some sleep and so are they!!
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