Sleep Help!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by lbzg, Jan 27, 2012.

  1. lbzg

    lbzg Well-Known Member

    I am desperate for advice! Please help!!!! I have 20 month old twins that we have had on amazing sleep schedules forever and still take two naps- 9am and 2pm and asleep from 8-7! Suddenly one hates to sleep, hysterically cries and just freaks out. So, she hates to even walk towards her room to think its bedtime for naps or night time and now even wakes in the night screaming to get out! was the best sleeper now screams and cries and holds on to you for dear life!!! any suggestions on getting her back to like sleeping??? she has even puked from being so upset.... I'll take any advice...
  2. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I wonder if she's starting to have bad dreams at night? I have 4 kids, not one has needed a nightlight on, until my twin daughter. She gets so upset and freaked out if that light isn't on when she goes to sleep. We turn it off when we go to bed, but if she wakes up in the middle of the night she'll whine and whimper until we go turn the light on again.

    It's probably just a stage, every time it seems like you've got a good handle on things, and have a good routine going, one of them is going to throw a monkey wrench into it ;) Try to stay consistent, be firm but loving with her, lots of reassurance....maybe even play with her in her room during the day, and play with the light off some. See if you can figure out if there's something in there that's frightening her. Maybe it's a strange shadow she's just noticed or something.
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  3. mom2gc

    mom2gc Well-Known Member

    Has anything mayor changed in her life? Do you think that she might have separation anxiety? Does it help sitting with her till she falls asleep? One just wishes that they could tell you why they wake up/don't want to sleep :unknw: Good luck and let us know what worked.
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