Sleep Help!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by lillysmom, May 26, 2011.

  1. lillysmom

    lillysmom Well-Known Member

    For two weeks, L and A's sleep has gone downhill. Most of the problems are from L. Both are 20 months. L started 2 weeks ago with screaming and throwing a complete fit when we put him in his crib. Before 2 weeks ago, he was so easy to put down. It seems like out of the blue, he has done a 360! A who has always wanted me to rock him a little before bed, not naps, is still the same but not as bad so now I have 2 toddlers having a fit when it's naptime or bedtime. Tonight, I put them both down and they both had a complete meltdown, threw out their blankets and wouldn't stop. I did go in, gave pacis, and patted their backs. They were quiet so I would go to the other one and repeat and then the one who was calm started again. I was going back and forth! This went on for at least 30 minutes till DH took over and then they finally went to sleep. This is also happening at naps, except A goes right down. Please Help! L was sick 2 weeks ago when this started, but he is fine now. I just took him to the doc yesterday and his ears are fine. I feel a need to get this under control now as it is out of control!
  2. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    Any chance of teething? (thinking 2 year molars) Our boys' sleep goes COMPLETELY out the window when they are cutting teeth.
  3. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    If they are fine, and don't have any health issues, I would just stay away. They have learned that if they scream loud an long enough, mommy will come in and give them attention. By not going in, for at least 20 minutes, you will help them through it. My mom once asked our pediatrician how long my brother could cry before it was a problem. His response: 4-5 hours. What he meant was that she should stay out, and once she did, he stopped within 30 min. The next day was shorter, until he didn't cry at all. It took 3-4 days total.
  4. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    Maybe play music or a DVD for them as the fall asleep--so they have something to focus on while they calm down? Is separating them an option? I agree that just letting them cry at this age is fine--they are toddlers, not little babies, and need to know how to fall asleep (assuming it isn't teething or some other kind of pain).
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