Skipping Sitting?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by teafor2, Apr 27, 2010.

  1. teafor2

    teafor2 Well-Known Member

    Jonah started crawling way before Dalia (though he does a modified crawl, a "commando style" where he is mostly flat on his belly scooting using all four limbs). However, as soon as she figured out how to go from her belly to a sitting position, she was off! Jonah seems to have skipped that step. He never goes from his belly to a sitting position. It doesn't seem to bother him, very rarely will he cry to be moved (usually when he gets stuck under the exersaucer or on top of the activity table on the floor setting). Yesterday he pulled up to stand all by himself, and if I put him in a standing position, he will cruise around the pack n play. So I'm wondering - doesn't he neeed to learn to sit up? Should I be concerned or just let it all happen as it comes? They are just over 9 months old. Thanks!
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Does he sit at all? If you put him in a sitting position, is he able to sit? It might be something worth mentioning at your next pedi visit if it continues. It could be he is just busy learning other motor skills that sitting is not a priority for him right now.
  3. teafor2

    teafor2 Well-Known Member

    Yes, he can sit for hours if he wants to do so. He just doesn't put himself in a sitting position from his belly. He does roll onto his side and kind of lounge there, and that's how he plays. Thanks!
  4. Gigantor

    Gigantor Well-Known Member

    My daughter never sit up on her own until she was about 11 month. She was happily cruising (pulled herself up and walked by the furniture, the wall) at 9 months.
    I assumed for her sitting in one position just wasn't as much fun anymore.
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