Skipping nap question

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by lettered olive, Apr 23, 2007.

  1. lettered olive

    lettered olive Well-Known Member

    DD skipped her nap today (which normally is a complete disaster when she does this) but so far it is 5:15 pm and she is doing fine.

    How early do you put yours to bed when they skip a nap? Usually she goes down at 8:30 but I think she is going to need to make up for lost sleep...

    Also tell me about nap dropping transition....

    what age did it happen?
    how long was the "transition" other words, how long did they sometimes need a nap and sometimes not?
  2. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Mine hardly ever skip naps, but every once in a while if Sarah has fallen asleep in the car or stroller too close to naptime, she will not go down for nap. We put them down a little early on those nights (we just put them both down, because putting them down at separate times doesn't work at all). But their normal bedtime is 6:30/7, so early can't be that much earlier -- usually like 6.
  3. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    Sofia skips naps at least 2 times every week. We just go about the day like normal. Bedtime is 8:00 regardless if they nap or not.
  4. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Starting around 2 mine have gone through phases where they refuse to nap and then go back to it. I continue to put them in there everyday and leave them in there for at least 2 hours whether they sleep or not. If they don't nap, they go to bed at least 1/2 hour early. I wouldn't give up on naps yet!!!
  5. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    if my boys don't sleep at naptime {they are in bed sqealing or singing usually} then if they need it, I move their bedtime up just 15 minutes or so. I try not to because I don't want to mess up schedule, I like to get them back on it.
    But if mine went to bad as late as yours, I may move it up 30 minutes or so though, mine go to bed @ 7pm so they're usually fine.
  6. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    If mine are in the cribs but don't sleep, bedtime doesn't change. Maybe 15min or so early but that's it. If we've been out and busy during naptime, they go to bed as much as an hour early if they are a mess. If they're doing okay, I try to put them to bed at normal time. My three youngest still take a nap every day. My older two went into crib/bed for nap until about 4 years every day. Some days they slept, some days not. My ds, now 7 will STILL take a nap some days if he'll lay still long enough! We started very early teaching them that nap time was nap time and it's not over till mommy comes to get you so putting them in their rooms even if they didn't sleep wasn't a big deal. I'd encourage you to maintain naptime for a while longer!
  7. Thumper

    Thumper Well-Known Member

    Ours have always been kinda poor nappers, ever since they were born. :huh: That is, they often skipped naps, getting worse when they were about 2, then getting better... then all of a sudden (it seems) around 3 they stopped altogether. :eek: I know that doesn't help much, but losing that last nap is kind of a leap of faith. If it's causing you a lot of headache to get them to go down, try skipping for a few days and see what happens.

    When they skipped naps on occasion, we'd float their bedtime anywhere up to an hour earlier, but honestly it didn't seem to change much - they just fell asleep faster. ;)

    Good luck!

    --> Andy
  8. Amanda+2

    Amanda+2 Well-Known Member

    The boys don't skip naps very often but if they do I just play it by ear. If they are really fussy I might try to put them down a little earlier, but if they seem fine I just stick to the normal schedule.
  9. TwinMama6

    TwinMama6 Well-Known Member

    I would usually put them to bed about 30 mins early if they skipped a nap,more then that would really just mess up their bedtime/sleep routine,kwim!
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