skip a good breakfast for a good lunch?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Gimena, Jun 9, 2010.

  1. Gimena

    Gimena Well-Known Member

    So the past few days because of morning activities my lo's have only been having cheerios/milk for breakfast (more like a snack)and have been eating a great lunch... When we are home they eat a great breakfast but lunch is always hit or miss...lunch is usually after nap if they
    have a good breakfast, but they would happily skip lunch for a healthy snack (yogourt/fruit).
    SHould I not worry so much about each meal and go with the flow?....
    ahhh...schedules! I can't wait until they can commuicate more and tell me what they really want!
    I hate to guess if they are not hungry for lunch or they just do not like what I give them!
  2. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    My guys don't usually eat very much for breakfast; I offer them lots of food, but they're usually just too rarin' to go play to sit and eat very much. But they eat like lumberjacks at snacks and lunch to make up for it!

    I'd just make sure you offer them foods at regular intervals and let them tell you how much they want to eat. If they're getting a hearty breakfast, then you don't have to worry about what they eat at lunch; same thing with a light breakfast and big lunch!

    But I do agree that it will be easier when they can *tell* you how hungry they are! :D
  3. sruth

    sruth Well-Known Member

    Go with the flow. I offer three meals a day with two snacks and it varies how much they eat. Some days they (or one) will eat all their meals, or just lunch and not dinner, or breakfast, not lunch but a big snack and no dinner! It's crazy but what I realized is I also can't predict a growth spirt. I can tell each time when they start eating like crazy for each and every meal. What matters is what they've eaten by the end of the day, usually it all balances out. Think of it as how adults go through their day...I know when I have a BIG breakfast I don't eat a big lunch and have a smaller dinner.

  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would go with the flow. One days that mine don't eat a big breakfast, they'll eat a nice lunch and vice versa. I know with my two I can count on them eating two good meals a day and a good of the meals is usually hit or miss.
  5. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    We do the same and go with the flow. I always know when they are having a growth spurt becuase they eat like crazy at EVERY meal :laughing:
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