Six months today!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by christy.fisher, Jul 4, 2010.

  1. christy.fisher

    christy.fisher Well-Known Member

    Athan and Claire are six months old today! That's the magic number, right? :) I cannot believe we've finally made it.

    I am so happy to see how far they've come, now we're playing with sippy cups and they are trying to crawl, they can sort of hold their bottles, they play with toys and interact with each other. It's amazing.

    Just last night they finally slept in their own room in their own cribs and everything went fine. I'm ready for them to be in their own room but not ready for them to NOT be in my room, if that makes sense to anybody.

    Part of me is sad though when I look back at the early pictures. It was so crazy and stressful and now that it's over, I feel like I missed it. My memories are a little foggy and I didn't have time to enjoy it. Now it's gone and it just makes me a little sad.

    I feel like we should get some kind of medal for surviving the first six months of multiples!
  2. smiley7

    smiley7 Well-Known Member

    :yahoo: Congratulations!!!! You made it.

    Our kids are almost the same age, we turn 6 months in one week! I know what you mean about the "fog". Honestly I don't recall the first 2 months at all and when I look at pics I can't recall them being so small.

    Seeing Noah and Sophie rollover.. giggle... eat their solids... sit in their high chairs... all those big kid things you couldn't imagine getting to is awesome and a little sad (in a nostalgic kind of way).

    I can't give you a medal but :woman: ... you rock mamma... congrats!!!
  3. kathwalton

    kathwalton Member

    Congratulation SP - I know how exactly how you feed. My two were six months last week and I felt like I had just ran a Marathon!! You definately do deserve a medal.
  4. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    Congrats on six months!! :bow2: Things will only get more fun from here on out. :good:
  5. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    Can I hear a yehaw!!! :clapping: 6 monthers!!!! Congrats momma. I still think about those foggy days and 6 months(and secretly...especially 7 months) was a real turning point. I know what you mean about the sadness, but now it gets REALLY fun! Good job to you. :)
  6. jromkey

    jromkey Well-Known Member

    Congrats on making it through the first six months!! :clapping: It definitely gets better from here on out. My girls are 9.5 months old and we are having so much fun with them - they are crawling, pulling themselves up on everything, babbling, laughing, interacting - all the fun stuff! I can hardly remember the first few months - they really were a blur and you're just trying to survive. It's hard to believe how much they have changed in the last 9 months. Have fun with those babes and before you know it you'll be celebrating their first birthday!

    And btw - I know exactly what you mean when you say you're ready for them to be in their own room but not ready for them to not be in your room. Makes perfect sense to me!! One still sleeps in my room but she'll be joining her sister very soon in the nursery. :(
  7. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Happy six months Athan and Claire!! :clapping: :clapping: Way to go Momma for surviving! It's all (mostly) fun here on out! I think 6-9 months is a wonderful time!!! Enjoy!
  8. mjgrink

    mjgrink Member

    My twins just turned 6 months last week! I just can't believe we're this far too. However, we just found out they both have a profound hearing loss and I'm struggling with having to start multiple appointments, learn sign language and work thru the emotions of two little boys that cannot hear. Have any of you dealt with this or know much about cochlear implants in infants? I've got a lot to learn and not much free time to search out my answers. I also have a 5 and 7 yr. old.
  9. bbyboo1323

    bbyboo1323 Well-Known Member

    Happy 6 months!! I felt that 6 months was such a big milestone and it does get better after hitting that it seemed. Enjoy the rest of the FY!!!!
  10. christy.fisher

    christy.fisher Well-Known Member

    I'm so sorry. :( That just stinks. I haven't dealt with that but it's great that the doctors can figure that out so early so they will grow up knowing sign language from the start. I hope your boys are good candidates for cochlear implants!

    Congrats to all of us "six month" mommas!!
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