Six month old girls constantly whining or crying

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by jodyclemens, May 22, 2008.

  1. jodyclemens

    jodyclemens Member

    So my girls have always been pretty content and easy going. Well, now they are constantly whining or crying and it's driving me nuts! :wacko: If they aren't sleeping or eating, they are fussing. I'm thinking maybe they are bored cause they can't sit up yet. I don't know. The doctor said their teeth are quite ready to come through yet so I don't think it's from teething. Anyone else going through this yet?? I'm hoping it gets better when they can sit up, crawl, etc.

    Oh ya, and they're fine if they're being held...
  2. *Sully*

    *Sully* Well-Known Member

    We've had a lot of this lately too. We think they've figured out fussing just to get attention, be held, etc. It does help that DS can sit up now, but sometimes he is ticked if we put him in the floor to play. Hopefully that will improve when DD can sit up too. They've also started screaming when I leave the room and then when I poke my head back in smiling at me. OMG! I had no idea THAT would start this early!
  3. melissak

    melissak Well-Known Member

    Our are doing this as well and I do think it is because they are bored/frustrated that they can't move. I'm sure the fact that they are teething as well doesn't help.
  4. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    Yeah mine were like that then. MY DD learned to crawl at 6 1/2 mo and I was thrilled as it made her happy. Work on sitting up that helped alot. I also woudl lay on the floor and be their jungle gym, they love it (still do). Also take them to another room in the house. Our loft is the baby room, but we will sit in the living room, bedroom, or have even played in the hall. Rotate toys ( I put out only about 1/3 of their toys at a time and then in 2-3 weeks when they get bored they get all new toys. Bring out kitchen utincils they can play with for a change of pace. Play outside on a blanket. Mine got bored really easier (especailly DD) and any change helped. Even just going to Target or Walmart made them happier. We love baby einstein and the fisher price version as well. It is a great distractor once a day. Play music. Sing songs. Mine also love to play with the phone book and if they rip pages, who cares. THey should get better as they learn to sit up and then crawl.
  5. nikkisix

    nikkisix Well-Known Member

    omg yes! we went through this SO BAD around that age or so... they were SO FRUSTRATED that they couldnt move around on their own and yet they were trying so hard.. oh it was bad lol dont worry its only about a 2 wk phase while they figure out how to get around!
  6. Prairiegirl

    Prairiegirl Active Member

    I distinctly remember this and I think I even posted the same thing at that time! I seem to recall that people said that it's a huge phase of development for the babies and they're rather restless and needy during this phase! Good luck!
  7. pattymartin

    pattymartin Well-Known Member

    MInr two... they hate when I leave the room and want each others toys. DD has started rolling from one end of the room to the other but now she wants to crawl so that makes her mad when things are out of her reach. Ds will roll from back to belly but then starts fussing cause he hates being on his stomach and can't roll back. He also has developed this hate for being lyed down. He cries when his diaper is being changed and now he will scream anytime he goes into his crib. He never did this before so I am hoping it some horrible phase. Yeah.. for new milestones.
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