
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MAMM, Jan 23, 2007.

  1. MAMM

    MAMM New Member

    I have 20 month old boy/girl twins. I would love to get them a sit-n-spin. The only problem is I have heard that the new sit-n-spins are not very good (they don't really spin). I would like to get some opinions. If your children have one, did you think it was good and what brand. Thanks in advance.

  2. MAMM

    MAMM New Member

    I have 20 month old boy/girl twins. I would love to get them a sit-n-spin. The only problem is I have heard that the new sit-n-spins are not very good (they don't really spin). I would like to get some opinions. If your children have one, did you think it was good and what brand. Thanks in advance.

  3. Mandymarie

    Mandymarie Active Member

    Mine have the playskool sit and spin with the happy face on the handle and it makes noises. They love it. It is a bit "slower" than the ones I grew up with, but they still enjoy it. I say go for it...hang on to the receipt in case they do not enjoy it.
  4. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    they have one at a playgroup we go to and its great the girls love it.

    amanda (jessica and jorja 3)
  5. kelly79

    kelly79 Well-Known Member

    My girls, who are almost 23 months got one for Christmas. I think its has Dora on it anyways. They are big girls, a little over 30lbs each, and they cant really do it. First off, the S & S has to be on a smooth surface, so for us, our only spot is the wood floor in the hallway. Secondly, they sit on it, but I dont think they quite weigh enough yet to actually push it/make it spin themselves. Sometimes I sit on it and it spins okay, so I just take turns spinning them on my lap. We will def keep it, as I think they will grow into it. HTH
  6. crazybabies

    crazybabies Well-Known Member

    My kids love it!! Don't know the brand, but it's the kind I remember as a kid. This one was my older son's, so it's probably 6-7 years old. I have a funny picture of my 2, they like riding it together!!
    Anyway, they weigh 27 & 34 lbs and both can operate it independantly. I remember having to teach my older one how to pull himself around it......
  7. mnellson

    mnellson Well-Known Member

    Our girls got one for Christmas when they were almost 2 years old. It is a Playschool one and I don't think it's as sturdy/heavy as the ones we had when we were kids. My girls often stood on the handel part and basically used it to climb up on other was really easy for them to pick up and move. I would encourage you to look for a brand that makes a sit and spin that is strudy. My gilrs had many bumped heads/ split lips and I ended up putting it away.

    It is a fun toy, so hopefully you can find a good quality one!

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