Sippy Cups

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by nicolepag, Jul 30, 2007.

  1. nicolepag

    nicolepag Well-Known Member

    I am almost at wits end with sippy cups. My twinkies are 13 months. I have tried to give them sippy and they just can't suck or get it all over themselves or all over everything. I have also tried almost every type/brand of cup out there. My kids drink milk or water.

    When were your kids off sippy cups?
    How did you do it? Did you give in? Or try and introduce one feeding a day with cup? If that didn't go well, then give in?

  2. swp0525

    swp0525 Well-Known Member

    Hey Nicole~~

    What worked for mine was picking one feeding (for me it was lunch) and only offering a sippy filled with formula (at the time they were 10mo). They DID NOT like it at all. There were times I gave in a little (put a bottle nipple on the cup) but always stuck to my guns on the cup at lunch. There were days they drank nothing and "punished" me the rest of the afternoon by being whiny and crying (b/c they were hungry!). It took them maybe a week of refusing anything out of the cup before they started to come around a little at a time. We noticed last week they were drinking the cup clean to the bottom without a fuss at all so we dove in on Saturday and took away the morning and dinner bottles and replaced them with cups and we haven't had any fussing at all (I know you want to reach through your computer and punch me right now :p )

    With my older child he was still on a bottle close to his 2nd birthday and it was ridiculously hard to get him off of it. Torture for all of us, so we decided to be stricter about it earlier with Ben and Sarah.

    I hope that helps!! Oh yeah, we use the Nuby cups--all styles work for Ben and Sarah although in the beginning I used the long spout on a short cup. I just saw yesterday in WalMart they have a set now that has the cup with three different tops (one is a nipple) to gradually switch them. I think Ben and Sarah would have loved that in the beginning...


  3. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    We went to sippies at 12 months. We used the straw sippies. It took them about a week to get their consumption back up, but they adjusted pretty well.
  4. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    We started sippees with a little juice, but lots of water about a month ago. My twins like the juice part, and have gotten over thinking they are toys now. We tried a couple, and the ones that seem to work best for them are the first years toss and go ones - which we reuse over and over. They are starting on milk, which they don't like so much, but one is starting to get the hang of now. It took between a week and two weeks once we really started with the juice/water drink at lunch for them to get really used to it. Good luck! I know how frustrating it is. Supposedly, one day we're going to miss these days... :drinks:

  5. erinmichelleb

    erinmichelleb Well-Known Member

    I love the NUBY cups you can get from Walmart. All my friends swear by them! Not the kind with the straw. The whole lid is soft and more "bottle like" but it helps work them in the right direction. DS1 is using them right now. We have the kind that has two handles. I hope you have better luck!
  6. Jennie-OH

    Jennie-OH Well-Known Member

    What worked for us early on was getting these straw cups from the grocery store. They aren't actual "sippies". They are like the drink box plastic cups with the flip up straw. My girls took right to those. We eventually migrated over to traditional sippies (to avoid spills) after awhile. My pedi recommended these to get them started.

    We now use nothing but Playtex sippies. They have been the most reliable as far as spills for us.
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