Sippy Cups Should Be Outlawed!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twinmom11, Apr 5, 2007.

  1. twinmom11

    twinmom11 Well-Known Member

    Its turned into a battle of wills!!! My dear son and daughter still absolutely refuse to drink their milk from a sippy cup. They'll drink water or juice but no milk. Currently I only offer them water or milk from sippys. No juice until they give into the milk. I still give them a bottle of milk before bed because I'm afraid they're not getting enough calcium. I have tried almost all sippy cups except for straw sippys. Does anyone think that would make a difference. I offered my son a drink from a straw recently and he drank more than he ever has from a sippy cup. If so anyone have any good straw sippy recommendations???? My husband is threatening to ban me from ever buying another sippy cup(our cupboards are overflowing with castaways)so I want to do a little research before I buy.
  2. Sabrina Fischer

    Sabrina Fischer Well-Known Member

    The straw sippy didn't work well for us. THey kept wanting to tilt it up to drink like a bottle. We fought with them over sippy cups for a long time. THe NUBY ones worked real well. They have a soft top and were actually the cheapest we bought. We too had tried all different kinds. However, I think that when they are ready, they will drink out of them. Just keep trying, and one day, they won't have a problem with the milk.
  3. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    I had exactly the opposite problem as the PP :lol: Mine couldn't get that they had to tip the sippy so far back. A straw cup, however, was immediately accepted and used with ease. They just started using their soft spout cups a few weeks ago when I was getting frustrated with them "painting" with their straw cups and decided to try them again. Now, they are able to use both but they still forget sometimes to tip the sippy back far enough and they get frustrated. Maybe it's because they never learned to use a bottle ??? Anyway, if your kids have used a regular straw in a cup, they'll do fine with straw sippies. We like the Nuby ones (you can get them cheapest at Wal-Mart under their store brand name).
  4. littletwinstars

    littletwinstars Well-Known Member

    We also had much better success with the straw cups than the sippy cups. We have the Playtex Quick Straw cup and Playtex Insulator Sports Straw cup and they work well. I found them at Longs drugstore and
  5. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    We also had great success with the straw cups. Like the pp, ours had a hard time with the tipping back. We use the NUBY Insulated Sport Sipster and they liked it from day one. Now they will pretty much drink out of anything with a straw.
  6. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    We used straw cups exclusively from 21 month on. We used the ones from [post=""]Munchkin[/post]. They leak much less, and you can replace the straws. We switched because a speech therapist told us that they were much better for speech development than sippies.
  7. kaysyd

    kaysyd Well-Known Member

    I say ditch the night time bottle- as hard as that will be!! - and make sure they are eating things like yogurt or make pudding with whole milk, etc. There are other ways to make sure they get calcium- and as other moms on here told me- they will drink it when they are thirsty! It was a rough couple weeks- but it worked. My girls are NOT by far big drinkers- so I just make sure I pump calcium other ways- yogurt, homemade pudding, they do drink some milk, add milk to other foods, etc. Hope you find a solution!!
  8. angie7

    angie7 Well-Known Member

    My DD's refuse to tip a sippy so we use the Nuby straw sippys and they work wonderful for us. They drink just about anything I put in there but it HAS to be the straw sippy.
  9. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Mine never got the whole cup tipping thing, but they do awesome with straw sippies. We use the shorter, handled Nuby straw sippies. We have some taller non-handled ones too, but they are too tall for the girls to use in their high chairs (at this point).

    We also give a bedtime bottle, but we still put formula in that. My transition plan consisted of milk in sippies, formula in bottles. Never milk in a bottle. I think I could almost get rid of the bedtime bottle right now, but I am traveling for work in a week and I didn't want to take away that last bottle until I came back (could be pretty hard on DH).
  10. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    Sippy transition was rough for us too. I realized one day at 11 months that I'd better get it figured out! We also have a lovely collection of sippies in what we refer to as the sippy cup graveyard LOL.

    Tipping was a big issue for us. These are what finally worked for us, and we are still happily using them. They are just take'n'toss ($2.50 for a 4-pk @ Target). They are short with a grooved, ergonomic cup that's easy to grab & tip. FWIW, we also tried Nuby's around 8-9 months w/o success. However, about 3 weeks ago I put a big bin of tupperware out in the playroom for the boys to play with and I threw in the Nubys. They seem to know exactly what to do with them now. I'll bet if I tried using the Nubys again we'd have no problems.
  11. 2girls2b

    2girls2b Well-Known Member

    Like most of you, we also have a graveyard of sippies in the cabinet. I stopped buying the soft spout cups because the girls were always throwing them on the floor and they always ended up leaking. After reading posts about the straw sippies, I bought a couple and the girls loved them. They drink milk, water, and juice from their sippies. We have been off all bottles since their first birthday. We started introducing a sippie around 6 months, but they really didn't take to it until we switched to the straw version. We are using the Nuby cups that are tall with a flip lid that will close the straw so you can take it in the diaper bag. The only leaks we have are when the girls suck up their milk into the straw and then flick it. Milk flies everywhere, but it is only a small amount. The cups are 12oz and they will gulp down the whole thing in no time.
  12. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    The straw sippy didn't work well for us. THey kept wanting to tilt it up to drink like a bottle.


    I hate to sound harsh on this, but I told my SIL the same thing and it worked for her... quit giving the water and juice, and only milk. Soon, they will know you mean business, and WILL drink the milk. Its that or get thirsty, right? My nephew finally gave in, and that is how she has finally gotten rid of the bottle.
  13. jultaria

    jultaria Well-Known Member

    I guess you have to find what works best for your babies :) Mine are not good about drinking milk either, so I don't fight with them over it any more. I put 6 or 7 ounces in the cup and they'll drink about 4 ounces from the straw sippy. I put it in the fridge and they finish it up with their snack or I'll offer it to them an hour after breakfast or lunch. They walk around with the water/juice sippy all day long. We use the sip and smile Gerber sippies for water/juice. We use take and toss sippies for going out in the car.

    They'll get use to the not tipping the cup thing sooner or later with a straw sippy if that is what you want to use. Mine still want to tip it sometimes but they figure it out pretty quick :)
  14. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    You've gotten great advice! So Keep trying!! Don't give in or they will know they've gotcha! :)
  15. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Ditto on ditching the nighttime bottle. They may get less milk for a few days, but once they learn that milk comes in sippies now, not bottles, they'll drink it. Getting a straw sippy (or some other kind that they like) might help, but IMO the real problem is that they're holding out for the bottle. Good luck!
  16. Jen620

    Jen620 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Maybe it's because they never learned to use a bottle ??? Maybe that's why Ellie will down her sippy if I hold her laying down but can't drink it in her high chair! DUH!! She only used a bottle for 6 weeks last May/June. That could explain it!!
  17. twinmom11

    twinmom11 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(KYsweetheart @ Apr 6 2007, 02:30 PM) [snapback]208502[/snapback]

    I hate to sound harsh on this, but I told my SIL the same thing and it worked for her... quit giving the water and juice, and only milk. Soon, they will know you mean business, and WILL drink the milk. Its that or get thirsty, right? My nephew finally gave in, and that is how she has finally gotten rid of the bottle.

    I think its time to get a little harsh. Thanx for all the great advice ladies. I'll keep you posted!
  18. marieta

    marieta Well-Known Member

    I say try the straw sippies, mine only do those as well. Personally, I still do nap and evening bottle, I don't see anything wrong with it!
  19. team_double.trouble

    team_double.trouble Well-Known Member

    oh god love sippy cups, i just read about 4 topics in a row about far we have had no problems withthem, we still have the nubys and are going great with them, other than the occasional puddle making here and there, they are great.
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