Sippy cups - are there ANY that don't leak?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by RachelJoy, Dec 3, 2006.

  1. RachelJoy

    RachelJoy Well-Known Member

    We have been using two different types of sippy cups so that it's easy for the twins to know what's water and what's milk (actually, they're all playtex, the regular ones for water, and clear ones with handles for milk). We're finding that the milk cups especially tend to drip and leak if they are left on their side, and I'm tired of milk getting all over the floors and carpets!

    Are there any cups out their that don't leak? We gave up on the Gerber cups a long time ago because when they were thrown (which is all the time) the valve would pop out entirely. E and C leave their cups lying around all over the place, and keeping them upright just is not possible.

    Thanks for any suggestions.

  2. RachelJoy

    RachelJoy Well-Known Member

    We have been using two different types of sippy cups so that it's easy for the twins to know what's water and what's milk (actually, they're all playtex, the regular ones for water, and clear ones with handles for milk). We're finding that the milk cups especially tend to drip and leak if they are left on their side, and I'm tired of milk getting all over the floors and carpets!

    Are there any cups out their that don't leak? We gave up on the Gerber cups a long time ago because when they were thrown (which is all the time) the valve would pop out entirely. E and C leave their cups lying around all over the place, and keeping them upright just is not possible.

    Thanks for any suggestions.

  3. JoyX2

    JoyX2 Well-Known Member

    You're probably going to laugh, but believe it or not, those cheap plastic "take and toss" sippies you can get at WM & BRU are the best sippies we ever used. And I have spent a ton of money hunting for the perfect sippy. I could have kicked myself that it took me so long to buy these. They are truly spill-proof, yet the spout is easy for them to get the milk out of without sucking the wind out of them lol, they are also really easy for them to hold and grip if you've got tinier than average hands using them. They're great. As for my "sippy graveyard" cupboard in the kitchen...sigh...anyone need any hardly - used sippies?

  4. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    My current favorite sippy is the FY insulated sippy like these. Mine love them b/c they come with Elmo, Thomas, Cars, etc on them and I like them b/c the valve is built in, they're insulated and they don't leak very easily. My other favorite right now is the playtex insulator cup likethis. They do have a separate valve, but don't seem to leak. Mine are past the handled and soft spout sippies, I guess these are more "big kid" ones. HTH [​IMG]
  5. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    I think it a conspiracy to get us to keep buying sippy cups. I think that most of them leak in one way or another. [​IMG]
  6. momoftwins+one

    momoftwins+one Well-Known Member

    I have yet to find one that doesn't leak, even for my almost 3 year old, I agree with PP it is a conspiracy. I have found that most cups start off ok and then over time, removing valve to clean or whatever they all spill. Good luck and let us know what you find, cause i have been thru like 4 brands and counting and they all leak or the kiddos don't like.
  7. Tam1969

    Tam1969 Well-Known Member

    I am a Nuby fan. Every once in a while, I get one that leaks and I take it back to the store to get a replacement. It's the best that I've found. I did buy the take and toss ones that the pp liked. They were no match for my girls. They found a way around those. They would throw them on the ground and make the top come off spilling the milk everywhere. They have managed to unscrew the lid off the Nuby a couple of times, too.
  8. ads3046

    ads3046 Well-Known Member

    I am a Nuby fan.
    Not me! These things NEVER worked right for us. The only one that we have consistently used without trouble is the Gerber soft spout.

  9. 1girltwinboyz

    1girltwinboyz Well-Known Member

    Good topic! I love those First Years ones you posted a link too. Do they have the rubber slit at the spout as they dont have valve? Where did you get those?
    Ditto on the conspiracy! I have the take and toss cups and straw cups. They all leak when thrown. Atleast when thrown by my boys [​IMG] but the straw ones have kept their interest more so they dont get thrown as much!
  10. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    The Tommee Tippee cups don't leak. We quit using them because the babies have to apply pressure to the spout with their teeth or gums to make the liquid flow and then they got the idea to try the same thing on me... Otherwise, they are great cups.

    I've been using Nuby straw cups and one of the two has never leaked while the other has leaked from the beginning. It seems to be hit or miss with them.
  11. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    I really don't think there is one that doesn't leak. I've had so many over the three years latest is nuby one leaks and one doesn't my daugter had in beside her in the car seat the other day and when we got her out the whole thing had leaked all over her and around onto the car seat going to replace again haha..

    amanda (jorja and jessica 3)
  12. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    The Gerber cups always have worked well for us. Not necessarily the ones with the soft spouts b/c they tend to let the spout fall out sometimes, but he hard top ones. I'll see if I can post a link. Like everyone else, we have a ton of different brands of sippies. We do like the take and toss ones, but they leak a lot if left on their sides or upside down.

    HERE is a link to the Gerber cups. it's the spill proof cups towards the bottom. The other ones they like are the handles soft spouts, but they do on occasion have the spouts come out and then it can leak.
  13. rosie19

    rosie19 Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by melissao:
    My current favorite sippy is the FY insulated sippy like these. Mine love them b/c they come with Elmo, Thomas, Cars, etc on them and I like them b/c the valve is built in, they're insulated and they don't leak very easily. My other favorite right now is the playtex insulator cup likethis. They do have a separate valve, but don't seem to leak.

    This is EXACTLY what I was going to recommend. We use the FY cups for milk and the playtex ones for water so that we can tell them apart. I love both cups... but the FY are my favorites b/c they don't have a separate valve! HTH!
  14. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    Gerber has been our favorite so far. That being said, we went through Playtex, Nuby, Munchkin and some other generic brand and have stuck with Gerber since trying those. I do have some take 'n toss and haven't used them yet. Will have to give them a try!
  15. Mia D

    Mia D Well-Known Member

    I LOVE the Target brand sippies that have a screw top (one of my girls would bite the Take & Toss lift-off tops off). And they're only $1 each so it's not such a tragedy when I leave them, lose them, run them over.

  16. Zwillingsmama

    Zwillingsmama Well-Known Member

    I LOVE the Target brand sippies that have a screw top (one of my girls would bite the Take & Toss lift-off tops off). And they're only $1 each so it's not such a tragedy when I leave them, lose them, run them over.

    I was just going to write the same thing! It's the Target house brand - Circo. Good luck!
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