sippy cup transition - they won't tip the cups

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by bridgeport, Feb 6, 2008.

  1. bridgeport

    bridgeport Well-Known Member

    I searched for old posts on sippy cup transition, so I know I'm not the only one whose kiddos had problems with this....but I still have some questions!

    They are okay with drinking from sippies if I tip them for them, but they don't get it when they are holding them. So they'll sit there and suck all day, but nothing will come out because they're not tipping. BTW, they never have held their own bottles either...or, sometimes they might hold their bottles, but again didn't tip them up to get anything out.

    We have some of the Nuby straw cups, and they do better with them because they don't have to tip them. So my question is, for those of you with the same issue, did you just forever stick with the straw cups and never worry about using other sippies? Or did you keep trying and eventually they got the tipping? Did using only straw sippies make it more difficult to transition to regular cups, which of course you have to tip to get anything out?!?

    And the age old question, are there any straw cups that leak less than the Nuby ones? We tend to get leaks around the valve where it inserts into the lid, and also out of the straw itself anytime they decide to dump the cup over (why will they tip it when it's not in their mouths?!).
  2. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    Sippies don't teach them to use an open cup at all because the angle of the tip isn't the same and they don't have to pay attention to where the liquid is in a sippy. I wouldn't stress about skipping them entirely or you can let them try once in a while and they will eventually learn. I don't recall exactly how old mine were when they finally got it but it was many months after they'd learned to use an open cup.

    ETA: sippies leak also... especially when shaken
  3. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    We had the same issue with sippy cups. We just ended up using straw cups and we still do. They have also learned to drink out of open cups with no problem.
  4. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    My girls did the SAME thing!! But, for us, they WERE holding their bottles before we switched to sippies, go figure.

    It was exhausting holding their cups for them all the time, but I did. I kept "showing" them how to hold the cup and tip it by putting it into their hands, and then helping to guide it to their mouth. If they started to lose their grip, I would sort of hold it in place using their elbows. It honestly took weeks for them to get it, but they did and are now sippy cup champs. are definitely not alone in this.
  5. Laura in Alaska

    Laura in Alaska Well-Known Member

    All of our sippies have ended up in the toy box! They love to play with them and pretend to drink, but as soon as I put any liquid in them they have too much fun shaking it and watching it splash out to bother drinking any of it. They're doing alright drinking out of an open cup right now. They can even drink on their own out of an open cup if I only put a sip or so in the bottom of it. I figure I'll keep doing what we're doing for a couple weeks and try actually putting something in the sippies again. They "practice" with them everyday, so I'm getting hopeful. :D

    HTH ~ Laura

    ETA - Our girls don't really hold their own bottles either...well, maybe if they're laying down.
  6. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    I started with straw sippies with the twins for that reason. I think they are easier to learn. They drink out of both now.

    As far as the never-ending search for the leakless sippy.....5 kids, and I STILL have not found one! The Nuby's tend to be one of the worst, especially if you don't have the rubber thingy on the straw inserted right into the lid. :blink: The best I think that I have found are the Munchkin straw sippies...but, they still leak. :rolleyes:
  7. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    We also started with straw cups - I loved the nuby ones!
  8. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    Just use the straws. :) Either way, the kids will eventually learn how to drink out a regular cup so don't worry about it.
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