Sippy cup struggles

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by 2betterthan1, Dec 21, 2008.

  1. 2betterthan1

    2betterthan1 Well-Known Member

    Hello its been awhile!!

    I'm at my wits end with Austin!! I've asked others for help and all I get is shrugs.... <_<

    The boys have both been on sippy cups since they were 6 months, did great with them and since they turned a year, no bottles at all... My problem is that I am trying to change them from the "baby" trainer sippys to the bigger boy ones. The ones that are all plastic. Peyton took to them right away, no problems at all, but Austin will take one look at it and throw it and cry til he gets one of the old ones. The trouble is that he chews on the "nipple" part, and has ruined all but one of the training sippies. (they are the Nuby ones...)

    Any advice on how to help him make the transition? The sippy that I'm trying is the first years, meal mates.

  2. girlsxtwo

    girlsxtwo Well-Known Member

    One of my DDs was like that. She chewed through every one of them we had (did the same with pacis). I told her once she had broken them all, that was it, there would be no more and that's what I did. I was always afraid she would swallow a big piece and get choked. I just kept offering the other ones and she would throw a fit. It took a while to get through it, but she finally accepted them. I would just try a few different ones until you can find one he likes. My problem was, they are so expensive and felt like I was wasting my money when she didn't like them.
  3. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I had one like that too and honestly, I let her use the Nuby as long as she needed to. I brought out the other cups often and when she was ready we did the switch.
  4. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    Ds did this too, but did much better with the straw sippies so I kept using them and replacing them when needed, as he got older he could drink otu of anything, I'd say hang in there a little while longer.
  5. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    As much as I hate to say it..try a cup without a sippy then. My last two never really used sippies. They wanted big kid cups like their siblings from the beginning (under a year). And yes, we had a few spills...still do, but nothing major. You just put hardly anything in them, and then keep refilling them. Or stick with what he's a pick your battles kind of thing, and that's probably one you could let go :pardon:
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