Sippy and milk

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by acjb2004, Aug 17, 2010.

  1. acjb2004

    acjb2004 Well-Known Member

    Brandon will not take his milk from sippy cup at all. I am at my wit ends, I have tried everything. He does great with water but not with milk. Let me just say he has never been a milk drinker, first it was reflux, but once we got that under control I had to fight him to get his milk in. If I give him bottle I still have to walk with him, sing to him so he can finish his bottle. :headbang: Both of my boys are on table foods and I try to give him milk based products as much as I can. He gets bottle of milk before bed, at 3 am and in the afternoon. I was really hoping to end bottle business at 12 months but I don't think we are ready for that. Any thoughts.
  2. timba09

    timba09 Well-Known Member

    You might try those Take & Toss sippy cups w/ the straw. They don't have a valve but they are still pretty accident proof. I think they have a spout version too. Ethan & Isa drink water out of their munchkin sippies all day long but refused to drink milk from them. Then we tried the T&T and that worked so that's what we use at mealtime. The first few sips will probably result in them getting too much milk because there's no resistance in the straw, but they'll get the hang of it pretty quick. HTH! :)

    ETA: I remember some people say that they take the valve out of their regular sippies and try it that way. Didn't work for us, but ya never know!
  3. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    My older three liked those Nuby cups in the beginning. They have a silicone spout like a bottle nipple. They can leak but it helps with the transition. Plus they don't have to tip it way back to get milk out. Once they got the hang of those I tried the Toss & Keep sippies and other harder plastic spouts.
  4. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Yeah I would mess around with the sippy cups. I just did the take-n-toss type with Annabella. There was no valve to it. I found that all of my kids didn't do so great with the valve there. They didn't know to tip their head back and suck.

    One day I saw Annabella take one of the boys juice boxes(around 11 months or so). She sucked down that juice like there was no tomorrow! Maybe try a straw sippy cup?

    Maybe he just doesn't like milk? Maybe if it was a bit warmer?
  5. bbyboo1323

    bbyboo1323 Well-Known Member

    I'm in the same boat with DD..she will drink all day from a bottle but not a sippy. She will take water, juice from a sippy but REFUSES milk in it. Im going to try to the Take n Toss since I have some and see what happens
  6. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    Well my boys are 1 and are still on bottles because they haven't mastered the sippy cup yet but we are working on it. Surprisingly the transition to whole milk went really well and they get it with their lunch and their snack and then a toddler formula mixed with rice after breakfast and dinner since our transition to table foods has been a slow process.

    I know someone who put chocolate syrup into the milk and put that in the sippy to get them used to drinking something like that with the sippy cups and then gradually weaned the syrup from the milk.

    I on the other hand refused all milk while I was a baby/toddler. My Mom was really worried about it and my pediatrician basically told me Mom, "She's not a cow, she doesn't NEED milk, if she doesn't like it, it's OK" and I grew up just fine and healthy. To this day I cannot stand milk unless it's in my cereal.
  7. acjb2004

    acjb2004 Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone :) We tried Nuby again and he took about an oz from it :rolleyes: at least its a start. I know he won't drink it cold so I have to warm it up. I just strongly belief he is not a milk drinker :headbang: Hopefully it will go down hill from there. Once again thank you so much for all the great suggestions.
  8. BubbleDragon

    BubbleDragon Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I vote straws, too. I tried getting mine to take sippies of anything for months and months, and finally when we were out at a restaurant one day, they actually drank water through a straw at the table. The T&T really are pretty leak resistant, like mentioned above. All of the actual sippies we bought even I think are a little hard to drink from with the valves and all that.
  9. leahkatebrown

    leahkatebrown Well-Known Member

    Great suggestions, guys, I'm going to try the T&T also. Mine are so not into actually drinking from their sippy cups I haven't even tried formula in them. They chew on the sippies fabulously, though!
  10. A-H-S

    A-H-S Member

    try soy? humans most defiantly dont NEED cows milk. my babies will only ever have dairy if they insist on it when they are older. (we're vegans)
  11. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    If he is drinking from a bottle fine don't feel too much pressure to be done as you approach 1 year. I would agree it is a nice to have but maybe wait a month or two and try again. We were 100% bottle free at 15 mos. It was so easy. I just got rid of them and 24 hours of them realizing if they wanted milk it would be in sippies solved it. That being said, if you really want to be done you could try going cold turkey for a couple days. They will most likely decide to accept the sippy. Hard on mom though, but they learn so fast. :) Mine also love straw cups. Seems that there are so many options these days...good luck to you.
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