Sippie cups

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by southerngirl0627, Mar 31, 2009.

    I am just curious as to what everyone else did and thinks. My sister says I should take the spill proof part out of my kids sippie cups to start and then add it back once they get the hang of it. I just think the juice will come ou to fast with out the spill proof nozzle in it. Your thoughts?
  1. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    I think she is on to something. We used the First Years Take N Toss cups. They dont have a valve so they will leak a bit, but they are perfect for learning that if you tip the cup-something will come out of it.
  2. QUOTE(DATJMom @ Mar 31 2009, 01:37 PM) [snapback]1252644[/snapback]
    I think she is on to something. We used the First Years Take N Toss cups. They dont have a valve so they will leak a bit, but they are perfect for learning that if you tip the cup-something will come out of it.

    Thanks I guess it does make sense. I just wanted some other opinions :) :D
  3. MuchFaith22

    MuchFaith22 Well-Known Member

    I don't know on that type of sippy, one way or the other...but I got the ones with the silicon piece, and the rate is variable to the baby's sucking, and mine took to them right away, I love them! Now, they do leak a little bit, but it's not much...and they come with lids.
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We used the Nuby soft spout ones and ours loved them, they do leak a little when the kids drop them but they started out with them and seem to like them the best.
  5. alex&andysmom

    alex&andysmom Well-Known Member

    I started out with the playtex cups, I'd take out the valve but they would get drenched! so we went to the take-n-toss, no valve, my kids took to them right away....
  6. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    We did (and still do) Nuby straw sippies, they took to them real quickly.
  7. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    I guess it just depends on the baby(and the cups really). I would try it first with the valve and see if they get it.
  8. Fletchie

    Fletchie Well-Known Member

    We had no luck with either baby when we had "leakproof" cups with valves. They would just chew on the spout. We tried several different cups, the Nuby's and take and toss seem to work the best. We are still getting the hang of it, though.
  9. stefwebb

    stefwebb Well-Known Member

    We did try that some, but we tried so many things and none of it made a difference :) They made a huge mess like that and loved every minute of it. We had horrible times with the sippy transition and the only thing that really finally made them drink out of a sippy cup was to get rid of the bottles! Yours obviously aren't old enough for that! They still like the Nuby soft spout the best and we still use those at bedtime (so they will drink more faster). During the day we are good with most any other type now.
  10. aandja79

    aandja79 Well-Known Member

    I did that with the playtex ones until they got the idea, and once they got the hang of it, I put them back in. Now if I could only get my little girl to remember to tip the cup a little...
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