Singleton moms have it so easy...

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by melissak, Sep 11, 2008.

  1. melissak

    melissak Well-Known Member

    I took my 10 month twins to story time at our library this morning, it was a 20 min one geared for infants newborn up to 2 yrs. There were about ten moms there with their singleton babies and then there was me. OH.MY.GOODNESS. My guys were ALL over the place and I was chasing after them the whole time. Meanwhile, alll the singleton moms had their babies nicely on their laps singing the songs and listening, etc. I was SO flustered and the leader was looking at me the whole time I'm sure thinking...why are you here??!!! Not sure I will be doing that again unless I have another set of hands. UGH. Makes me scared to try a class with them and just me!
  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I didn't even go near a library until the twins were over 2 years old! :bow2: You are brave! I did bring my 8 day old baby with my twins on the last day of their storytime and people were amazed!
  3. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    I too think you were brave to try that.

    I also never chose to do that with them so young. It was just too hard to try to control my kids at that age without being disruptive to the group.
  4. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    Another set of hands sounds like a great idea. And maybe after a few times they will be use to be there and won't want to be off in different directions.

  5. Stephanie3

    Stephanie3 Active Member

    I have taken my twins to that same type of program since they were 14 months. Some days were better than other and sometimes I took an extra pair of hands but not always. Our librarian is so great and understanding, she didn't expect any of the kids to sit the whole time at that age. I wouldn't worry about what the other moms think they have no idea, they probably are thanking thier stars they aren't you! I would encourage you to keep trying. One of my twins will sit and the other doesn't. as long as the other is not bothering anyone to much , I don't even try to make her sit because it just makes things worse. If this was their first time it can take up to three attempts for them to get used to something new like this. Also as the singleton babies get more used to the program they start getting more ambitious and test their momies and wan tot get up as well. Good luck with whatever you decide. pm me if you want to talk further. Stephanie
  6. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    Good job even trying that! The only way to control my duo in a situation like that was to leave them in the stroller. The stroller was my safe haven until they were 3 years old. Since we were strict about them staying in it right from the beginning, they got used to it and that allowed me to go to a few places I otherwise wouldn't have tackled alone.

    My singleton though is a wild toddler and I wouldn't even take just him to storytime because he would not sit nicely at all. He'd be up and exploring the entire time. :)
  7. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    I got taken down by a singleton toddler (the size of a teenager) when I went the one time -- wasn't being looked after by his dad. Then another time another child is into stuff -- that is frustrating when they ONLY HAVE ONE and STILL can't take care of them.

    it is hard going to the library though.... the extra attention, the wandering off of babies. You could put one in the stroller and alternate halfway through.

    Bring a new toy or a old one they haven't seen for some time and only offer it once they want to start to wander.

    Somedays it is a real struggle to go, but I'm sure it is really good for them to experience it.

  8. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree with the pp, wow for even attempting that! I've never even considered bringing my two for something like that by myself!
  9. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

    Melissa, I just started this last week. I put leave them in the SBS stroller during storytime. I sing to them and take turns moving their hands to music. This is 20 minutes. Then I take them out for playtime after that, which is 10 minutes. :hug: This worked out really well for us.
  10. cole715

    cole715 Well-Known Member

    We started a music class last week and was also very flustered. I felt so out of place b/c everyone had their one child in their lap clapping then dancing with them and I could not do the same thing with my girls. The instructor was very nice and offered to take one of the girls during interactive parts, but I still felt bad.
  11. kellystaron

    kellystaron New Member

    When I was a singleton mom, I brought my 2 year old to the library. He was the only one that ran around the classroom. I could not understand how the other kids sat there and did not move - are they drones? Next monday is going to be my first time with twins - they are 10 months old. I totally expect the same experience. My only saving grace is a friend of mine (with triplets) have been going to the same program (though they did not start until they were 2). I hope the librarian is used to it.
  12. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    Storytime doesnt start here for another 2 wks but I just started a music class last week with my girls. Sofie was all over the place but Maia sat right next to me the whole time.

    Dont give up!! I really dont think that other moms/instructors are saying 'WTH' in their heads, I think we just feel that way because its what we are saying in our heads. ;)
    And if someone does have something to say tell them where to shove it! :D
  13. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(cohlee @ Sep 16 2008, 02:35 PM) [snapback]982716[/snapback]
    Storytime doesnt start here for another 2 wks but I just started a music class last week with my girls. Sofie was all over the place but Maia sat right next to me the whole time.

    Dont give up!! I really dont think that other moms/instructors are saying 'WTH' in their heads, I think we just feel that way because its what we are saying in our heads. ;)
    And if someone does have something to say tell them where to shove it! :D

    :Clap: Gotta give you props for this comment Cohlee!

    Melissa you were very brave to try this on your own, maybe another day your little ones will do better and you will see a singleton Mom running all over the place. It happens!
  14. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(cohlee @ Sep 16 2008, 01:35 PM) [snapback]982716[/snapback]
    I really dont think that other moms/instructors are saying 'WTH' in their heads, I think we just feel that way because its what we are saying in our heads. ;)

  15. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(JicJac @ Sep 11 2008, 03:15 PM) [snapback]975443[/snapback]
    I didn't even go near a library until the twins were over 2 years old! :bow2: You are brave!

    I agree! :bow2:

    I just started taking mine to story time at 2.5 years old. We now go to a Time for Twos storytime. We are the only twins in there and they sit so much better than most of the other 2 year olds in there. I am sure those singleton Moms are very jealous of me that my twins sit so well. :lol:
  16. cottoncandysky

    cottoncandysky Well-Known Member

    youre a brave woman
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