Singleton after Twins...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by TwoLittleGuys, Apr 23, 2007.

  1. TwoLittleGuys

    TwoLittleGuys Well-Known Member

    Hi -
    I'm due mid-July with baby boy number three! :D We don't have family or friends near by to help out right away and was wondering if anyone has every been in a similar situation?

    Were you able to handle a newborn baby and your twins (mine will be two and a half when the new arrival comes)? How did you feel post-birth with a singleton?

    I have it in my mind that I can handle it and will be wearing the newborn baby in his new sling quite a bit at the beginning to help me juggle everything.

    What do you think? Can it be done on my own? My DH will be able to take a week off at the beginning, but that's it!
  2. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Your situation sounds exactly like mine! I'll have to let you know after this week ;) My mom is going to come for a week and DH will probably take a few days off here and there, but otherwise I'll be on my own! I'm planning on the new baby being in the bjorn or a sling while the twins are in the stroller. I might see if I can hire a teenage sitter to go to the pool with me some this summer, but otherwise I will be relying on friends (who also have children) to help me if I really need it.

    Congratulations and good luck to you :)
  3. MommyTo3andCounting

    MommyTo3andCounting Well-Known Member

    Congratualtions on your new little one! My DD is about 2 1/2 years younger than my first set, and we managed just fine without any help. Of course my DH stays home during the day so while I was on maternity leave for 12 weeks both of us were home all day to juggle 3 little ones.

    I'm sure you'll do great, I had myself all worked up thinking how hard it would be and was pleasantly surprised. Our boys did great with the new baby, they loved helping grab diapers and stuff for us.
  4. NatalieK

    NatalieK Well-Known Member

    I just had my singleton after twins a month ago and it's definetly doable. I think you will be pleasantly surprised at how much "easier" one baby is. The toughest part for me is when I am nursing because the twins want me moving and playing. I bought a baby wrap and its been a huge help. Also, I would buy your twins baby dolls b/c mine love to hold their baby and give her a binky while I'm tending to our new baby. It's a great distraction for them and think it has helped curb any jealousy issues. Good Luck!
  5. team_double.trouble

    team_double.trouble Well-Known Member

    oh babe, my twins were 14 months old when tanya was born, yes it is very testing but you do get through it, having DH there was great, i dont know how i would have done it without him.

    congratulations :)
  6. mandylouwho

    mandylouwho Well-Known Member


    I am in the exact same boat. I have my baby coming in October...and my boys will be about 2 years and 8 months. I just purchased (used) a baby bjorn carrier, since I heard they are a lifesaver for your second, third babies...

    My DH asked why I purchased it, since I didnt use them (the ones I got were horrible anyway) with the twins....but I told them, they only way for me to be hands free with a baby is to put it in that thing...I love it so far, and its cute.

    I have NO family near mom is 2 hours away. She will be coming for about a week and DH will stay home a week too. I am going to play it by ear and see how hard it is then, and if we need to bring in outside help for another month or so to help with daily things. DH agreed to hire a cleaning service the last few months and the first few before and after the pregnancy. I am going to buy baby dolls and see what happens.

    We were at my inlaws and my son was playing with her cabbage patch doll, trying to feed the baby and put in the binky etc. I was pleasanlty suprised how well they did with the baby...and they knew where things went!!

    But I hear you...I get petrified some days, and then there are others where I think its doable...

    Keep me posted on your progress!!! I bet i can learn a lot from you.
  7. rosie19

    rosie19 Well-Known Member

    Congratulations! Baby #3 was a complete surprise to us... so I was feeling many of the same things you are. We also were in the midst of planning a move... further away from parents and friends. Thankfully, our parents are only about 1.5 hrs in each direction, but honestly, I've done a lot of it on my own. The best thing I did, though, and I don't know if you are in a financial situation to do this, was to put my twins in school (really daycare, but with an actual curriculum and lots of activities) for a few hours 2x per week. They have loved it and I have loved having some time with the baby. They are getting a lot of socialization - something that is hard for me to do with three little ones on my own... we can't go to most mommy and me classes at this point. I started it when I was about 8 months pg as I was so exhausted at the end of the pregnancy that I needed a few hours to rest during the week. If that's not an option, maybe there is someone you could find as a mother's helper for a few hours a week... just to play with your twins.

    The first few months were hard for me. I was exhausted and DH was working A LOT. He was around much more when N & G were first born (he was still in school), but now he leaves early and comes home late (well after they are all in bed). The payoff is HUGE though. I love having three kiddos. I love that they are so close in age. It's awesome to experience life with a singleton since I only know life with twins.

    Try not to stress about it too much (I did and made the first couple months of my pregnancy miserable). I don't know what your twin pregnancy was like, but mine was hard (and scary) and my singleton pregnancy was a breeze. I'm not one that really likes being pg, but my singleton pregnancy was so easy compared to that with my twins. I was walking and lifting and playing up to the morning I went in for my c-section. The recovery was easy since I was so eager to get back to "normal."

    Best wishes for a happy and healthy pregnancy! Feel free to PM me anytime!

  8. Storks_cafe

    Storks_cafe Active Member

    Congrats on your new babies!!!!

    I was hard for me to be alone. My mom would visit us for a week but other than that, it was my DH helping.

    It is doable-- I learned to anticipate the areas I knew I would have trouble in.
    Post-partum depression is a problem for me so we saught help ahead of time. My other biggest area was being too tired by the end of the day to make dinner and we would end up eating out too much. So, for our last baby I made extra meals and froze them. I stopped buying junk food to make room for meals. It made things so much easier. My DH was very happy since that is one of the things he has trouble with as well.
    Now, I make a list of balanced meals and he can make what is on the list if I happen to be out for the evening.
  9. TwoLittleGuys

    TwoLittleGuys Well-Known Member

    Yay! My thoughts are that it is doable and hearing your stories and suggestions have further proven it :D Thank you!

    I don't think we're going to put the boys in any pre-schools yet, so they will be with me 24/7, but I do like the idea of getting a whole lot of meals prepared before hand for hubby. Although, I do find my slow-cooker a time-saver as well.

    I think I'm ready and am going to have to research the dolls for the boys too. I think I'm leaning towards little boy Cabbage Patch dolls... we'll see what my husband has to say :rolleyes:

    I'm hoping this baby will cooperate as well as my two little guys and come out head first with no problems. I'm a little worried if I have a C-Section, but am hoping that because I'm eager (like Rosie19) to get back to normal that everything will go well ;)

    Thanks everyone!
  10. mbcrox

    mbcrox Well-Known Member

    Congratulations on your new upcoming baby! I also want to chime in that it is definately doable! My twins were 10 mo. when my DD was born. The hardest part for me was having 3 babies and none of them walked! (The twins started walking at 15 mo.) So, loading them into the car took about 15 min! I purchased a triple stroller that was critical for me! Unfortunately, both my DH's mother and my mother and father have passed away so I had no help from parents. The stroller was key for me in being able to get out to Dr appts etc. Good Luck to you!
  11. ec twins

    ec twins Well-Known Member

    I am so glad to hear all this reassurance as I am too expecting #3 in December when my boys will be around 20 mos. I am less worried about when the baby is born than I am the last few months pf pregnancy. I can't envision carrying the boys up and down the stairs with a big belly in front of me. They should be walking then, so I'm hoping that will make life much easier!

    Congrats to all the expecting and kudos to all those who are doing it now!!
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