singleton after twins

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by IdenticalBoysNewMom, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. IdenticalBoysNewMom

    IdenticalBoysNewMom Well-Known Member

    I read some similar posts, but thought I'd put my story out there as well to see if it matches anyone else.
    With my twins (who are almost 4 now), I started having random Braxton Hicks around 18 weeks. It became a problem at 23 weeks when they became timeable (6 mins apart). I was in the hospital, giving Mag, maybe terbutaline too, then on bedrest for the remainder of the pregnancy. Was back in the hospital at 28 and 32 weeks with same thing, but we made it to 37 weeks!
    So, braxton hicks are normal, but can cause problems, and I'm just not sure how serious to take the ones I'm having now with this singleton.
    I'm 25 weeks...but I feel like the frequency of them has husband is pretty nervous, and I guess I am too. He keeps telling me to lay down, take it easy, which I will if I NEED to, but at the same time, I have A LOT to get done around here.
    SO, wondering if anyone had similar twin pregnancy that then had a singleton, and what their pregnancy was like. Thanks for any help!
  2. kma13

    kma13 Well-Known Member

    This is almost identical to my experience, with the twins I have contrax and dilation and 70% effacement at 30 weeks and was on terb and bed rest til 36 weeks when I delivered due to HELLP.

    This time around I freaked out with BH contrax at 21 weeks and went to L and D and I was fine with water and rest, now I have had no dilation (well she said your cervix is trying to dilate...)and I am 38+ weeks with 40% effacement.
  3. twinmom2dana

    twinmom2dana Well-Known Member

    I have found that my BH have increased with this singleton after the boys. I delivered the boys at 33 and 3 after going into spontaneous, unstoppable labor. I have been having the Braxtons for awhile now and I am at the point where I think they may be doing something. We have doc appt tomorrow, I am curious to see if any dilation has occured. We shall see...
  4. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    I had tons of BHs with my singleton starting around 12 weeks. He was delivered at 39 weeks in a programed c/s. I was never checked for dialation, but there were abolutely no signs of preterm labor, apart from the BH. Try increasing your fluid intake. I found that helped relax the BHs a lot.

    Edited to add: I delivered my twins at 35 weeks after having my water break in the middle of the night.
  5. sistersbeall

    sistersbeall Well-Known Member

    I had my twins at 37 weeks after having timeable contractions for about four or five weeks prior. I only ever dialated one and half centimeters. They gave me meds to stop the contractions and they would just get worse. i felt my first contraction with this pregnancy at about twenty five weeks maybe. Some days I won't have any and other days I will quite a few but at almost 35 weeks I am still not cervix is very soft, but not changing. I just think it is very common after twins to have the braxton hicks earlier than most women.....our bodies have already been through a lot. If you are worried I would talk to the OB.
  6. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    I was on bedrest at 30 weeks with my twins, from going to L and D 3 times in 10 days with contractions. I stayed on trebutaline for 6 weeks and then delivered the next day. I am expecting twins but I asked my dr what the chances of PTL this time were and he said only 25% chance. I liked those odds. I hope by resting and drinking lots of water I won't hav them or at least so early. Goodl uck.
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