Single Umbilical Artery (

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Kaffeetee, Feb 4, 2010.

  1. Kaffeetee

    Kaffeetee Well-Known Member

    Just came back from my 28 wks ultrasound with my peri. Found out that baby B has only two blood vessels in her umbilical cord. So I looked up online, apparently the cords are suppose to have 2 arteries and one vein (gosh, how much we have to learn!), but in some cases, of course, more in twin pregnancies, the umbilical cord would appear to have only one artery and one vein. And so named Single Umbilical Artery (SUA).
    My peri said it is common, but read online it occurs to about 1% of all pregnancies. Wonder if anybody else here has the same issue, and what did your doctor do to monitor the situation?
  2. busymomof3

    busymomof3 Well-Known Member

    My sister found out that her little boy had a two vessel cord around 24wks and just delivered a healthy nine pound baby boy with no complications what so ever!
  3. momto3under3

    momto3under3 Active Member

    I had a SUA with DS, we did monthly u/s to monitor growth and he delivered on his own 7#6oz at 37 weeks... perfectly healthy :)
  4. amymc72

    amymc72 Well-Known Member

    I've had a number of friends with SUA - both with singletons and twins - all have delivered perfectly healthy babies. Ones with singletons did have more frequent u/s than you typically have with a single baby.

    Good luck!
  5. Kaffeetee

    Kaffeetee Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the good news. I was quite nervous last night after reading a few online articles about how 25% of SUA babies turn out to have some kind of abnormalities. But few other articles do say that if no other symptoms found in ultrasound, babies should be alright!
  6. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Jessy was a sua baby. She is part of the 25% with another abnormality. She had iugr due to the sua and had a whole in her heart that had to be repaired with gortex patch.
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