Single Umbilical Artery in baby A

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by HollyP, Aug 28, 2009.

  1. HollyP

    HollyP Well-Known Member

    Hi all...

    I haven't posted much since joining, but I'm sure I will be doing a lot more as the days approach.

    I had my 20 week u/s on Wednesday and learned that baby A has a two-vessel umbilical cord, also known as Single Umbilical Artery. So far, he has not had any other abnormal findings. The ultrascreen on both babies was good, risks of trisomy's and DS were very low. Nuchal fold was great. Measurements at all ultrasounds have been on track and he's measuring just 2 days behind where I'm at... so no cause for concern until they found this.

    My peri said they will closely monitor him for any growth issues, and will take a closer look at his heart at my next u/s (not for four weeks). They had a hard time getting good images of his heart this time, just a little too small still.

    So on one hand, I'm freaking out. Worried of all the many things this can mean (birth defects, syndromes, heart issues, kidney problems, etc.) On the other hand, I keep trying to remind myself that we've had no other red flags and that's a good sign. The peri's (two I saw that day) both said that for now no real concerns, and just watch growth. And of course here I was trying to make it to 36 weeks, now I'm worried they may take them sooner if he slows down.

    Anyone else out there dealing with this or have any experience?
  2. brieh

    brieh Well-Known Member

    Now that I am pregnant my mom has been sharing things about her pregnancy with me. One thing she told me was I had a two vessel cord. Back in the day (33yrs ago, ouch I feel old)they didn't do many ultrasounds and discovered this after the birth. Just to ease your mind I think I turned out pretty good:) No health issues. Back then, they mentioned to her it could show up as a possible kidney issue, but I've never had a problems.

    I am sure now that they have noticed this they will follow you carefully. My twins are currently being watched due to their cords right now but it for a blood flow resistance and they are doing well.

    I hope for you it turns into nothing and your babies grow nice and strong and healthy!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. mikeyswife1999

    mikeyswife1999 Well-Known Member

    I have two friends who had babies with a two-vessel cord (both of them were singleton pregnancies). One of them had a smaller baby ~ about 5lbs at 37 weeks delivery (she was delivered early because of pre-E, though, not because of health problems in the baby), the other one had an 8lb baby. Neither of their babies have had any health issues since birth.
  4. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    I don't have any experience with this, but just wanted to send over a :hug: to you.
    It's good that they are going to monitor the babies more now :good: I will be hoping that it turns out to be nothing to worry about :grouphug:
  5. arkie

    arkie Well-Known Member

    I don't have any experiences to share with you, but I understand how this must weigh on your mind. I am glad that you have had some others here that could rely their good stories with you, so that you know it doesn't have to be a major problem. I hope this month ahead goes by quickly and that at your next ul you get good news as well. :hug:
  6. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Jessy had a SUA and both twins had velamentous cord insertion. Jessy's SUA cause her to have poor to no flow at time but lucky for us not negative flow. Negative flow is often a problem with SUA. PM with any specific questions you might have
  7. evz1977

    evz1977 Member

    My Baby B has SUA. We found out at 15 weeks. We are 20 weeks now. Whatever you do-do not read the internet on this! Very scary stuff. I have read that it is a bit more common in twin pregnancies. Both my high risk doc and my OB didn't make a really big deal out of it. They said typically you would have more regular ultrasounds to measure growth-which you do with twins anyways. We had our level 2 sono today and the kidneys and heart looked good. My high risk doc also scheduled a fetal echo cardiogram for 2 weeks.
  8. HollyP

    HollyP Well-Known Member

    Erica, sounds like we're right there with each other experiencing the same, at almost the same point in our pregnancies. Keep me posted on your follow ups - will keep you in my prayers :)
  9. evz1977

    evz1977 Member

    Absolutely! We'll keep you guys in our prayers, too. This is definitely a different pregnancy experience than with my son! We are 20 weeks on Friday-so just a week off. Do you know what you are having? Ours are both boys. That plus my 13 month old (who will be 17-18 months when they arrive) will give me 3 under 2! God help me!! :)
  10. I am 33 weeks pregnant my baby b was diagnosed with sua around 20 weeks. We had echocardiogram at that time heart looked ok. Doctors told me probably the same the told you about possibilities etc. around 4 weeks after that baby was diagnosed with renal cysts. They are both still alive and growing baby with the sua is slightly smaller but less than 1 week difference. I just had another anatomy u/s this week and they said they are about 4lbs 4 oz each. I am hoping mine make it a little farther the thing with the kidney apparently is very rare and I wouldnt worry to much about it for your baby if there is no signs. I have been having regular u/s since 20 weeks and I have used the estimated weights by ultrasound chart on this website to help ease my mind about growth that has been my biggest worry since finding out about the two vessel cord. I wish you the best I know the anxiety it causes and hopefully all turn out well for you and your babies. My thoughts and prayers are with you!
  11. morgan57

    morgan57 Well-Known Member

    I am 23 weeks with mono/di identical boys and was diagnosed with SUA in baby B at my 20 week scan. We also had no other markers for chromosomal problems and I just turned 28 so we aren't too worried about that. We did have a detailed anatomy scan and a fetal echo done for both babies (since they are identical) and both do not have any problems.

    My baby B is smaller than baby A, but they think likely it's an issue with placenta sharing as opposed to being due to the SUA. Most doctors don't worry about SUA really at all- they have found in the majority of the time that it causes absolutely NOTHING. Biggest issue is growth restriction (assuming no other congenital problems were found) and unfortunately we might be looking at that for our smaller twin (although probably not due to the SUA).
  12. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    No experience with SUA, just big hugs! :hug: :hug: :hug:

    I am sorry you are having to worry, I remember those days. I had been pregnant 3 other times so I thought I knew a thing or two (honestly I thought I knew everything about being pregnant!LOL!) my twin pregnancy taught me things I had never heard of I swear looking back on my singleton pregnancies I was SO naive I did not even have a clue that they even looked at the cord! with the twins we got a detailed scan and echo at every peri visit which was ALOT!

    you are in my thoughts and prayers!
  13. mama*b*

    mama*b* New Member

    We are in the same situation!!! I too am pregnant with twins. I am about 29 1/2 weeks along. I found out that baby A has a 2 vessel cord as well. Everything has checked out and his heart looks great and he is actually measuring 2 WEEKS ahead of where i am supposed to be! He was 7oz bigger than his brother at my last ultrasound 3 weeks ago. I go for a growth scan this Thursday. They are watching my boys SUPER closely. I have 2 non stress tests a week. I biophysical profile weekly, and a regular doc visit every week as well. I am happy they are taking such good care of me! I am here if you need to chat about anything. I know how all the worries and "what ifs" can get to you! Just keep your head up! Keep thinking positive! :hug:
  14. Gimena

    Gimena Well-Known Member

    My dd had a 2 vessel cord. Of course that paranoid me the entire pregnancy and did what you are not suppoused in
    the internet. MY dd did just fine. They were preemies 32.5 but she weight 3.9 lbs (ds was 4.9)and came home right on 35 weeks.
    They just monitor me more with almost weekly ultrasounds. Since then she has had ultrasounds to watch her kidneys
    but EVERYTHING is normal. She is now 26 lbs :)
  15. HollyP

    HollyP Well-Known Member

    Thank you all for sharing your stories - it is extremely settling, which I needed. Since this discovery almost 7 weeks ago, we've not seen any issues. I've had one additional ultrasound at 24 weeks, and his heart looked good, growth was wonderful. I go back at 28 weeks for another, and we'll continue to watch him closely.
  16. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    I'm glad they are growing good. Jessy already had a considerable size difference from jazz at this point. Every week he continues to grow well is a triumph. Hopefully he continues to grow well and you make it to 36 weeks! My girls were born at 34 weeks due to Jessy not growng any more(she was actually bigger than they had measured her at!) Jessy spent 3 weeks exactly in the nicu.
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