silly things that make me laugh

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twinnerbee, Apr 27, 2010.

  1. twinnerbee

    twinnerbee Well-Known Member

    Don't you just love it when your kids have been asleep for over an hour and then all of a sudden you hear meowing coming through the baby monitor? No, I didn't lock the cat in the room by's my lovely daughter. She woke up and meowed for about 5 minutes before going back to sleep. Silly, silly toddlers. Probably dreaming about chasing our poor cats around :)

    Anything make you laugh today?
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I love it! My DD, I thought she was asleep (this was several months ago) and all the sudden I heard her singing loudly the theme song to Olivia!
    Today I had to giggle at DD when she told me after her nap that not only was she happy to see me, she was happy that she took a nap.
  3. Lydia

    Lydia Well-Known Member

    Today I had a couple things make me laugh. My twins were spitting water on the floor and knew they were in trouble so they went and put themselves in time out and were very proud of themselves while doing so. That made me laugh... The other thing that made me laugh today was my daughter was pouting on demand. I asked her to show us her pout and she crossed her arms, faked a tear and stuck out her lower lip. It was precious. Then, she didn't break that pose for a very long time and did everything in her power to not smile. Love love love this stage.
  4. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    i asked Danika if she would like to give Riley a hug (i was trying to get some cute video footage) and they proceeded to chase each other around the living room, giggling like mad, hugging & kissing whenever they caught each other. :wub: i definitely love this age!
  5. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    I love listening in to the baby monitor; it's just getting funnier and funnier! Last week one of them sneezed and Nate said "sneeze, WahToo!". :laughing: Then a few days ago when they woke up DH swears Jack said "Mornin' Nate". :D
  6. Fossie

    Fossie Well-Known Member

    There are definitely some really funny times these days. My ds has allergies and has been sneezing and has had a runny nose so much that he has mastered wiping his own nose and even blowing! Well, I was driving and he sneezed and had lots of snot so I handed him the one tissue I could find. Next thing I know I hear dd fake sneezing and then motioning to me to give her a tissue. She kept doing it until I finally persuaded ds to let her use the tissue too and he handed it to her and she said "tank you" for the first time ever with a big nod - too cute!

    Lately - the kids have been really dancing and jumping and it is the funniest thing ever. DS puts his hands in the air and kind of stomps and twirls around and laughs like a maniac - it makes me laugh like a maniac too!

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