Silly new phase -- calling things by the wrong name

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by debid, Aug 15, 2008.

  1. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    It started with using the wrong titles while smirking and giggling so I was "daddy" or "grandma" or "Trevor"... whatever occurred to them at the moment. I'd say, "Nooooooooo, I'm mommy!" and they'd call me some other silly name. So now we've expanded beyond alternate names into just plain sillies... yesterday they were calling their grandparents "meat" and me "cranberry". Of course, me laughing didn't help matters.

    And we're experimenting with the use of "ing" now. I came down the stairs after getting dressed and brushing my hair and Trevor looked at me and said, "You looking so pretty, Mommy!" :wub:

    It really is the little things.

    What's new at your house?
  2. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Amy is into naming things -- her stuffed animals, the trains, even her fingers :icon_biggrin: -- with nonsense syllables. And she tends to like particular sounds. Last week everything was "Kiya, Kiki, Kooku, Pika..." -- this week it's "Soyan, Soyee, Suwi..."

    Sarah likes to be called a "silly chicken." A couple of weeks ago I tried to tell her she was a silly goose, and she insisted she was not, but she was a "tilly tsicken."
  3. klselsky

    klselsky Well-Known Member

    For a while, when DD was just 4, she would sit in the back seat of the car and say, "Momma, I have the chicken pops" (pox).
    I'd say, "oh no you don't" and she'd reply "oh yes I doooooo" and we'd go back and forth. For some reason it was sooo funny to me that I could hardly drive for the laughing!
  4. ruthjulia

    ruthjulia Well-Known Member

    calling things the wrong names is one of cameron and alisha's favorite games - they crack each other up with it. they love it most when i play along and say "noooooooooooooooooo that's not a foot, that's a belly!" or whatever. but they don't need me to play along to fall apart laughing at themselves over this game. and it always starts with using real, but wrong words for things and then degenerates into using made up words for things. ah, the beauty of being 3 - easy entertainment!!!
  5. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    rhyming is our new entertainment.
    Does butter and peanut butter -- mom -- does that rhyme?
    mouse and house. that rhymes.
    mouse and Tree!! (ahahaaa ROTF)
    me: no, Tree and knee
    Mouse and chair! ahahahaha
    me: no, chair, and um,,, bear!
    chair bear!
    Bear, and ..... (looking around the room) um... window! ahahahaa
    jet and net. that rhymes

    you get the picture. so silly. We have new friends in our neighborhood, and the younger of the 2 kids is 20 months. He says ba! for everything. So my girls come away from a play date there and they want to play M and E. Alexis is usually E (the younger) and so she walks around pointing and saying BA! so funny.
  6. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    Seamus will say he is '3' and think it is hilarious when we say, "noooooooo" really exaggerated. Also, when someone asks him is name, he likes to say '3'. It all started one day when someone asked them their age. Nicholas said, "2" and Seamus must have thought he was counting and said, "3" and everyone laughed.
  7. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Bea is into micro-managing Ainsley and reporting to me on everything she is doing. "Ains-wey not using her fork! She eating with her hands!" "Ains-wey picking her nose!"
    Ainsley has started talking a lot more and it's fun hearing her tell stories too.
  8. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    OMGosh what cute stories!!!

    So my kids are much younger, but this cracked me up last week. I was going over animal sounds with the girls...

    Me: What does a cow say?
    Girls: Mooooooooo!
    Me: What does a sheep say?
    Girls: BA!
    Me: What does a pig say?
    Ana: LA LA LA!

    I'm going to have to talk to Sandra Boynton about that! (ref: Moo Ba La La La- great book and Ana LOVES it).
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