Silent Reflux

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by annlubbers, May 10, 2008.

  1. annlubbers

    annlubbers Well-Known Member

    So at our six month appointment on Thursday everything went swimmingly!!
    Noah weighs in at an even 20lbs and 28 inches (both put him in the 78 percentile!!)
    Jonah weighs in at 19.5 lbs and also 28 inches!!

    My question is my Ped Dr. thinks Jonah has silent reflux. He's a very difficult eater of solids (if we can even get it in him through the tears and bucking - we've been going through this for about 2 months now). He's always been a nibbers of his formula - he rather take small snacks then one larger meal. He's always had the sniffles and a little cough and I just took it he's teething so much he's choking a little on his spit (or it was going down the wrong pipe).

    So afer our talk she think he's showing classic signs of silent reflux, she said she could be wrong but would like us to see a ped. gastroentrologist just to be on the safe side.

    Does anyone else's little one have this? and what can I expect if he does?
  2. eewelks

    eewelks Well-Known Member

    Yes! Our DD was diagnosed with this three days ago. She was put on Zantac and we're keeping our fingers crossed that things get better soon. She never spit up much but was congested, coughing for a few weeks. She was miserable all night long, arching her back and squealing.

    I am bringing her to the chiropractor on Tuesday. One of the ladies on the Breastfeeding forum suggested it and I after doing some reading/research, I am hopeful that may help too.

    I didn't really consider reflux since she wasn't spitting up too much. However, she was becoming more and more inconsolable at night and seemed like she was in pain.
    Hope that helps. I will let you know how the chiropractor visit goes!
  3. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Here is another thread about silent reflux from a few days ago.

    My oldest DD had silent reflux. She never spit up, but arched her back a lot and screamed a lot like she was in pain. We started zantac with her and that helped tremendously.
  4. kellytwinmom

    kellytwinmom Well-Known Member

    ME! (Well one of my girls)

    We are on day 3 I believe of Zantac and so far we have had no crying during feeding time. However the nap situation is still hard so I am hoping that will be better in a few days. My other twin falls asleep pretty easily and stays asleep but Julia falls asleep and then wakes up pretty quickly. I almost always have her in the swing in case she is in pain.

    eewelks- Just wondering what the chiropractor visit will do? Should I look into that?

    I am still not sure if she has it but if the medicine is helping, I am not going to take it away!
  5. mrsriney00

    mrsriney00 Well-Known Member

    We are a week and a half into Zantac and the change has been gradual but wonderful! They both have silent reflux. We have gone from 6-7 hours of crying a day to about 20 minutes and they go right down to bed. I was was rocking,bouncing and basically standing on my head before to get them to go to sleep and then they woke up 50 times a night(at least it seemed like it!!). Now we go to bed around 9:30-10 wake up around 3, and then up again at 6. Its pure bliss!!

    Hopefully the zantac will work, if not go back to the dr and the give you something a little stronger. I hope it works and works quickly for you!!
  6. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    We were referred to a Ped GI too for reflux. It was the best thing we did. We started on Zantac with our Ped and that did not work so we went to Prevacid which worked for both of the boys. Good luck and I hope you and he get some relief soon.
  7. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Emma did. She rarely ever spit up, but was just as difficult to feed as her twin, who spit up constantly. Good luck at the GI appointment. :hug99:
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