Silent Reflux

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by kellytwinmom, May 7, 2008.

  1. kellytwinmom

    kellytwinmom Well-Known Member

    I know I know....another post about reflux!

    Julia was finally put on Zantac tonight after going through other means of trying to help her while she is eating. Right now she is crying, moving her head back and forth, arching her back, kicking off of me all while eating.

    She does NOT spit up. Never has. She usually takes 3-4 ounces every 3 hours but is back down to 2 ounces. Should I try a Soy formula or other type of formula or just try the medicine first.

    Or, what if it is just really bad gas?

    I hate seeing her like this!
  2. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    Sounds like reflux to me. Is she grunting at all? Our pedi put my girls on prevacid and it made a huge difference all around. I have no experience other than what I have read on here about zantac. I hope Julia is feeling better soon!! :hug99:
  3. Prairiegirl

    Prairiegirl Active Member

    My DS had silent reflux and thankfully was diagnosed at 6 weeks. He never spit up either, just arched his back, screamed and all over colicky! Our ped. put him on a high dose :( of Losec (Omeprazole) and that cleared it up fairly soon. They didn't bother doing the tests for reflux, b/c of his age and decided to do a trial of meds instead. For your reference -- Zantac is considered the less-serious of reflux meds, Omeprazole is one of the more serious ones, so that's good news for your little girl!
  4. mrsriney00

    mrsriney00 Well-Known Member

    We had the same symptoms and have been on zantac for a week and the change is amazing!! Within 2 days we started seeing a change and now a week out we only had an hour and a half of crying tonight compared to the usual 4-5. No fussing while feeding and they are sleeping so much longer at night and going down much easier. I'm even getting some smiles now! They'll actually sit and look around instead of screaming! Love it.

    Do the meds and you can always try switching to soy or alimentum . We switched to the soy first (only do one formula bottle a day, bf the rest) but it made a difference. And then our dr had us switch to the milk soy free formula at the same time we went on zantac, and seems to help. I am still using the mylicon but only like 3-4 times a day compared to the 10-12 before.

    The dr told us to do it for two weeks and see how it was going. So I'm hoping we will get rid of all of the colicky crying all together!! Good luck!! I hope it works for you!
  5. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    Try bf /formula feeding on an incline with the baby on a pillow,
    try a make shift pillow made of blankets on the change table,
    keeping her upright after her feeds.

    My girl is still so little but she still sleeps in a bouncer (infant to toddler rocker type) and she LOVES it ! When she was little it was the swing. On Zantac of course. In the evenings she would get so fussy it was only the rocker or hold her. Takes the bottle better in it too. Even now at 5.5 months I put her on a pillow on the floor first. (habit) I moved her onto solids at 4.5 months because she was just vomiting so much and not keeping things down. Now she loves Food and hates the bottle.

  6. ferfischer

    ferfischer Well-Known Member

    My smaller twin had the same thing - she hated to eat and wouldn't eat very much and screamed through every feeding, but didn't spit up. She did smell a little like sour milk though. Anyway, we got her on Zantac at about 3 weeks old, and it took a week or so to take effect, but it helped and she's eating more. Now at 5 months, she's still on Zantac, and doing fine. If I take her off Zantac her food intake goes way down!
  7. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Sounds like silent reflux to me! My oldest DD had exactly what you were mentioning all of those things, with no spit up as well. She had silent reflux and was put on zantac and it worked great for her.

    I would try zantac, IMO!
  8. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Sounds like reflux to me with the arching and screaming. It usually takes the meds about 3-7 days to kick in. If you still dont see any relief by about day 5 I would call the Ped and see if you can switch meds. Hang in there. :hug99:
  9. eewelks

    eewelks Well-Known Member

    I just went to the ped today for the exact reason. She said our DD ( 3 months) has reflux even though she never spits up.
    She put DD on zantac and I am counting the minutes until it begins to help. The ped said hopefully by the weekend.
    It's been a really difficult few weeks as it only began recently.

    I feel so helpless! :(
  10. MissyEby

    MissyEby Well-Known Member

    My sons were diagnosed @ 9 weeks....after 24-36 hours on Zantact he was a different boy!!!

    btw he didn't spit up either.
    I hope your little one feels better soon.
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