Side By Side Stroller

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by nurseandrea02, Apr 3, 2008.

  1. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    A girl I work with is offering me a used double umbrella stroller. We have a tandem Graco & like it, but were looking for a SBS as well. I hate how the baby in the back can't see & I hate how they don't recline well. Otherwise, the Graco is great for us!

    This used stroller is good priced, BUT not everything we were looking for. First off, it is not a 5 point harness. That's not the end of the world.

    BUT, it doesn't recline. I know most umbrella strollers don't recline, but I was looking for one that did...and one that did each seat individually.

    Do you think it's worth the cheaper price to go with a non-reclining stroller? I'm asking you more experienced mommies, as I intend to use this stroller for a while. Right now my boys are 8 mos old (sorry to sneak into the 1-4 forum!).

    What are your thoughts on the SBS strollers?

  2. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    For us, having a stroller that wouldn't recline wouldn't be an option. We actually got a double jogging stroller used at an incredible price, but ended up having to get another one b/c I hated how the recline worked. Or didn't work, is more like it. We take our stroller camping a lot & my kids don't nap well when we're not at home......but taking for them on a stroller a couple times round the campground almost always did the trick. When they fall asleep, you really want to be able to recline them.
  3. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    At that age I would definitely have wanted something that reclines and the not having a 5-pt harness would have been a deal breaker. Our first SBS was a Jeep and it didn't have the 5 pt harness and I can't count how many times my kids almost tipped the whole stroller over by leaning forward and almost falling out themselves. We have a SBS Combi and we really like it. The reclining is kind of a pain, but at least it reclines.
  4. Kerry1976

    Kerry1976 Well-Known Member

    I got a MacClaran SBS that reclines...I got it because my Safety 1st one was more for a baby and toddler...the toddler part didn't really recline.

    I love my Mac!
  5. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    We have the umbrella type one that reclines think its Jeep, it was really needed at that age, we were still using it when they were 3.

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