sick help

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by newtothis, Dec 31, 2009.

  1. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    last night we put our LO down at bedtime and they were up every 15 mins screaming. we held him on the couch all night long but he barely slept. he might have slept a grand total of 1 hour. no exageration.
    when we lay him down and he finally calms himself down, he just wakes up a few mins later only to be held again.

    he has a cold but could it be something else?
    no temps on either boys.
  2. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    I would be tempted to say ear infection. Mine often don't have temps with ear infections, but night time is the worst. I would call and see if you can get them checked out before the long weekend. Sorry they don't feel good and the lack of sleep.
  3. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    I'd be tempted to say ear infection also since mine both have them right now and that is how Jacob is acting. I'd have him into your pedi for an assessment.
  4. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    hes laying on the floor playing now.
    could it still be an ear infection?
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It's hard to say, I would say if you are concerned to definitely contact your pedi. Only they can tell you for sure. I know when my DS had an ear infection, he did not cry in pain, just was clingy, had no appetite and little energy. Plus he had a high temp.
  6. Momof2wonders

    Momof2wonders Well-Known Member

    Are they teething? A & C have done the same as yours for the past couple of nights and this morning their top teeth have poked through.
    In my experience, when it is an ear infection, they usually don't like being lying down.
  7. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    Yep, that can totally happen. There is just something about laying down (especially on your back) and at night where it really is more painful. But they can play and act like there's nothing wrong during the day. Come bedtime or a couple hours into it, they may scream and cry and be unable to go to sleep.
  8. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    i called the pedi and she said as long as they aren't running a temp that they most likely don't have an ear infection and that it's probably teething.
    did your LO's have temps when they had an ear infection?

    she assumed it was teething and told me to try motrin and baby orajel.
  9. mnm000

    mnm000 Well-Known Member

    Any time my DS has had an ear infection he's had a temp, so I'd lean towards teething.
  10. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    Only my older daughter has ever had a temp with an ear infection. She's only had 2 infections and she's almost 7. My DD that has had 3 sets of ear tubes does not run a fever when she gets one. My DS varies, but usually the sign that he's getting an ear infection is that his eye starts getting very watery and looking like it did when he had a plugged tear duct. Go with your gut. I personally would probably just get him checked since most of the pedis are closed for the long weekend and it would give peace of mind. I'm glad to hear he's doing ok now though.
  11. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    mine have active ear infections and no fever. I found that with my older son, the fever usually came when it got real bad.
  12. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    he has very watery eyes but i think they only water when he coughs.
    i am unsure of what to do. i think after this bottle if i cant get him to rest, i'll call back again.

    should i attempt the motrin and orajel? i've never done either. i gave him tylenol earlier in case he was achy. we also ran out of his reflux meds and he got about 1/2 his dose last night but his full dose this morning. not sure if that has anything to do with it.
  13. Tracy5780

    Tracy5780 Well-Known Member

    same thing happened to me! my daughter had a cold and the doctors office said there really wasnt much they could do...but about 5 days later she was waking every 30 minutes or so screaming in pain(she is a 12 hour sleeper usually) so i called the pedi and brought her in...she had one ear infection and fluid in her lungs/weezing.......hope your LO feels better soon!
  14. dtomecko

    dtomecko Well-Known Member

    My son has had 2 ear infections and what you described is how my son acted. Started with a cold, and maybe a week or so later he started waking many times at night, but no fever and he was generally happy. This last time I really thought he was fine. He didn't seem to be in pain, played fine during the day, was fine during diaper changes, and when he would wake at night he'd stop crying and be all happy as soon as he'd see us come in. I gave him motrin each night in case it was teething, but after two nights of this I took him in to get his ears checked. One had lots of fluid and was pretty red. I suppose if I had waited longer the fever would have eventually come, but so far he hasn't had one with his ear infections.

    You also mentioned something about watery eyes. My son had "pink eye" with his first ear infection. His eye was goopy and watery. It wasn't the traditional, contagious form of pink eye that spreads rapidly, but the type that comes with a cold where he must have rubbed the cold virus into his eye. The doctor told me this type of pink eye is often a sign of an ear infection as well. Just wanted to mention it if your son's watery eyes develop into this.
  15. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine have never had a temp with ear infections, and I've got 4 kids. Every kid reacts different to infections so for a ped to say no temp = no ear infection without checking is crazy. My ped would err on the side of caution, especially with it being a long weekend, and recommend my child be seen just in case.

    Every time my kids have had an ear infection it generally starts with a lot of fussiness, then refusing to sleep good, just generally not being themselves. I'd take them in and sure enough, ear infection. It gets much worse at nighttime because laying flat causes pressure in the ear drum.

    I'd take him in and get it checked, a minor infection can be dealt with with motrin, but if it gets full blown it can eventually affect hearing.
  16. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    last night he was given motrin before bedtime. he slept much better. he woke up 5 times (LOL) but it was better than not sleeping at all.
    as for today his naps were much, much better as well. he took his normal 3 naps (45 mins - 1.5 hr) as well.
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