
Discussion in 'The First Year' started by ~ilyse~, Jun 26, 2007.

  1. ~ilyse~

    ~ilyse~ Well-Known Member

    When if ever, did you start to do that? How old were the babies? What did you do with them when you were in the shower? Please explain the situation. I am not even close to feeling comfortable doing that but I know there will come a time that I will need to do it for one reason or another, so I am just wondering how others deal with it.
  2. Hillybean

    Hillybean Well-Known Member

    I actually shower in the morning before my DH leaves for work (he watches the girls) BUT I would suggest putting them in exersaucers if you have them. If you are really worried you can stick the exersaucers in the bathroom our right outside the door and shower with the door open.
  3. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    I put them in a bouncy chair right outside the shower. They like the sound of the water and really never fuss!

  4. mandyfish3

    mandyfish3 Well-Known Member

    I've been doing this since they were 3 weeks old and I was left alone for the first time. I either put them in their cribs or swings. I know they are safe there and usually they dont' cry or fuss.
  5. eandelander

    eandelander Well-Known Member

    Since they were two weeks old I have done the same thing..... in bouncy chairs either right outside or even in the bathroom.... mine too like the sound of the water....

    I have gotten comfortable enough now to do it during nap time and just leave the door open, but our nursery is right across the hall from the bathroom...
  6. Phia713

    Phia713 Well-Known Member

    I usually put them in their cribs with a few toys. But I always leave the bathroom door open to listen out. Their room is right across the hall.
  7. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    I shower while they nap, or early in the morning while the 3 youngest are still in bed. I bring the baby monitor in with me so I can hear even though their rooms are right next to our bathroom.
  8. LoriAnne

    LoriAnne Member

    I shower when they are napping or if one is awake I will bring her with me into the bathroom and put her in her car seat or bumbo.
  9. K*D*B

    K*D*B Well-Known Member

    I shower before eveyone gets up. I feel better and refreshed and I know that if I need to get out early in the morning I can. Sometimes my oldest is up and he will watch cartoons. This started at about 27 months.

  10. Fay

    Fay Well-Known Member

    i showered when they napped or when dh got home. on the rare occassion i needed to shower and they were awake and dh was gone, i put them in bouncies outside the shower door (glass door, so i could see them) and hurried!!!
  11. AWerner

    AWerner Well-Known Member

    right now they usually fall asleep in their swings for the am nap,so then I shower and bring the monitor w/ me while DD watches the upstairs tv and/or plays in her room or bugs me while I shower, usually all of the above lol

  12. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My DH leaves at 5:30am and I am not getting up before he leaves to get in the shower. I take my showers at night now.
  13. noahandjacobsmom

    noahandjacobsmom Well-Known Member

    I shower at night after they have gone to bed or when DH is bonding with them.
  14. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Either during naptime or with them in their cribs or in an exersaucer in the bathroom, I've done all of these with no problems.
  15. kendraplus2

    kendraplus2 Well-Known Member

    I either shower at night when DH is here and can watch the kids or they are in bed, or if I shower during the day, it is either right after they both go down for naps or I'll put one in the papasan and one on the floor, each with toys, and shower with them in the room with me. I sing through the shower and play the "Where is Mama?" game (peek-a-boo around the shower curtain) ... I've done this a bunch of times and they never fuss, they like the change in environment, the sound of the water, and the games I play with them while I'm in there.
  16. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    In the very beginning, right after their first AM bottle, (which was around 6) I would wait for them to fall asleep, and then I would go jump in the shower.
  17. sottovoce

    sottovoce Well-Known Member

    I shower as early as I can in the am, before the day gets started. Usually one of the two is awake and I bring (her usually) into the bathroom in a bouncy seat and the other stays in the swing in the bedroom right outside the bathroom. I have to say that no matter whether they are both in the bedroom in their respective seats/swings or whether one is in the bathroom, the ENTIRE time I am in the shower, I hear them crying. It happens every day. I am in the shower and in the sound pattern of the water, I hear them crying. I turn off the water and the crying goes away! It's weird how the mind works!
  18. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    At first I didn't do this, quite often DH came home from work and I still hadn't showered! Then I started showering before he left for work. Then, I'd say about when they started sleeping/napping in their cribs (3-3.5 months actual) I started taking a shower when they took their morning nap. I just took the monitor in the bathroom with me.

    I still take a shower when they nap, if DH happens to be gone on the weekend. During the week I shower at the gym in the morning or when the nanny is here.
  19. JustUs4

    JustUs4 Well-Known Member

    Since about 2 months, I'd shower when they are napping and take the baby monitor in the bathroom with me :)
  20. dalilja

    dalilja Well-Known Member

    I usually try to shower when they're napping. If that doesn't work, they go in their chairs right in the bathroom with me. :rolleyes:
  21. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    When I haven't had a chance to shower before my husband leaves for work I bring the babies into the bathroom in their bouncy seats and set them down beside the shower. I sing away to them and keep peeking out of the curtain. They love it! I don't even have to rush. I always do this after a nap, but before they're hungry. I think THEY think I'm doing it for their entertainment!
  22. ~ilyse~

    ~ilyse~ Well-Known Member

    Ok, I did it!!! I was trying to save myself some me time tonight when dh takes over rather than using it for a shower, so I took a shower when I was home alone with them. I brought them into the bathroom with me, dd in the exersaucer and ds in the bouncy seat with toy bar. They just fit. I think they were wondering what was going on. I kept talking to them, singing to them and peaking out to look at them. It went ok, hopefully it still will after the novelty wears off. Thanks for all the responses. I am just so proud of myself today. LOL I was so nervous.
  23. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    2 words - BABY EINSTEIN!!!!! I would put them in the bouncy/exersaucer and put on a Baby Einstein DVD - now I have to wait until they go down for their nap...
  24. HT

    HT Well-Known Member

    I actually take all my kids into the shower with me. I started doing this with my oldest DD as an infant and she's been doing it for almost 3 years. I would lay her on a towel next to the tub, take my shower, step out to pick her up, get back in to wash her, put her back on the towel w/ a towel over her, dry myself off, then her. Soon as she started sitting up, I put the bath seat in the back of the tub and she played while I showered, then I washed her. Right now I do the same thing since the twins are still infants, I wash myself first, wash oldest DD, step out to get the 1st baby and wash, put the baby back on the towel and repeat with the second. I dry off, oldest DD normally plays in tub a little longer while I get the twins dried off and dressed. I'm sure I won't be able to fit all 4 of us in the tub once they start crawling so I'll have to figure out something else. Right now it works great and everyone gets a shower everyday and I don't have to mess with showering myself, giving oldest DD a bath in the big bathtub and each of the twins in the baby tub. Much quicker and less mess plus my oldest DD has absolutely no fear of water which I contribute to her always taking showers. It doesn't bother her in the least to get water in her face and is a fish in the pool.
  25. caba

    caba Banned

    I usually shower right after a feeding ... i put them in swings or carseats or something secure ... and i know they are happy and full, and jump in the shower ... our bathroom is in the our bedroom ... and i have them in the bedroom ... so i can hear them if they start crying ... i've been doing this pretty much since my husband went back to work when they were 3 weeks old ...
  26. first_second_and_last

    first_second_and_last Well-Known Member

    In the early days, they would take a nap around 7:45am. I would shower and get ready then.

    We eliminated that nap around 6 months or so. I put them in their exersaucers in the play room for several months.They got bored with those about 11 months.

    Now, after their morning sippy of milk, they watch Elmo's World in their bouncies. I get about 20 minutes to shower. I usually leave my hair wet until they go down for their morning nap.

    I don't know what I'll do when I can't have them in a "strapped in" location. :unknw:
  27. ~Kamie~

    ~Kamie~ Well-Known Member

    I shower while they sleep or are in their bouncy chairs. I started that last week-just once and twice this week. Don't have much choice. THey do fine, alittle crying is okay by me.
  28. mom of one plus two

    mom of one plus two Well-Known Member

    When they were younger, I put them in seaters in the bathroom so they could see me and then in exersaucers and jumperoo but I still couldn't take a long showere before I was missed. I couldn't shower or bath when they were asleep because the water running woke them up.

    The best for me right now since about 8 months when they started to crawl is a bath. They have toys, the toilet seat is down and the bathroom is baby proofed. I even put bf pillows around the bottom of the toilet. They play and come over to stand beside the tub and play in my water. They drop toys in. I get my bath. I never use the razor with them in the bathroom just in case they find it sometime and try to copy me.

    It also works with older siblings in the tub too.
  29. traci_roo

    traci_roo Well-Known Member

    I used to try to shower after they woke up in the morning to eat (they would fall back to sleep for a few more hours after the 6 or 7am feeding) but lately they haven't been sleeping as well or I want more sleep. Today I fed them, we played, went for a walk, then I put them in their cribs with their crib toys on while I showered. DD played with her mobile but DS fussed a little bit. I let him fuss and finished and in a few minutes he was sleeping.
  30. Laurenbelle

    Laurenbelle Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(sottovoce @ Jun 26 2007, 09:27 PM) [snapback]308070[/snapback]
    I shower as early as I can in the am, before the day gets started. Usually one of the two is awake and I bring (her usually) into the bathroom in a bouncy seat and the other stays in the swing in the bedroom right outside the bathroom. I have to say that no matter whether they are both in the bedroom in their respective seats/swings or whether one is in the bathroom, the ENTIRE time I am in the shower, I hear them crying. It happens every day. I am in the shower and in the sound pattern of the water, I hear them crying. I turn off the water and the crying goes away! It's weird how the mind works!

    I usually put mine in their bouncers in the living room, just one room away, and I could swear they are crying the whole time too! So I usually take the fastest showers ever, but as soon as I turn the water off and get out to check on them, they are fine. It is weird.
  31. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    For the longest time I waited until they took their first nap. So around 10 am.

    Now, my DH is home til 8:15 so I usually try and get a shower in before he leaves for work.
  32. natmarie

    natmarie Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(mandyfish3 @ Jun 26 2007, 07:14 PM) [snapback]307856[/snapback]
    I've been doing this since they were 3 weeks old and I was left alone for the first time. I either put them in their cribs or swings. I know they are safe there and usually they dont' cry or fuss.

    Same here! most of the time I shower when they are taking a nap and DS is watching a T.V. Show that he likes. I just make sure that the doors are locked.
  33. brianamurnion

    brianamurnion Well-Known Member

    I shower everyday and leave them in their playpens or swings. The big girls are usually in their jammies watching Cartoons for the morning so they come and get me if one is crying or something. I have been doing this pretty much since birth. DH is home sometimes and my mom visits alot so that helps!
  34. Erykah

    Erykah Well-Known Member

    I shower at night if dh gets home before 8 pm, if not then I wait for my oldest to get home from school so I can shower while he plays with them. We cosleep and don't even own a crib and they flip their bouncy seats over.
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