Showering alone with 2?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MrsWright, Mar 18, 2010.

  1. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My hubby is a farmer which means planting season is right around the corner...meantime I'm growing bigger and bigger too which makes it harder to bend over and bathe them both! Right now I've done a few baths alone and they behave and don't mind being dunked (if you remember the dunking video) so the shower wouldn't scare them but I'm just thinking it might be easier to jump in with them and shower us all together.

    Anyone done this? Logistics? Do you have everything ready in the bathroom? Our bathroom is kind of small so usually we towel dry them and then they get a little bit of naked run time in in their room before getting diapers, lotion and jammies. I could just throw a robe on and then take them to their room to get ready...or with it getting warmer I could even put diapers on them in the bathroom and then let them run 1/2 naked while I get dressed.

    Just throwing ideas out there....and advice from anyone who has attempted this!!!!
  2. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    I haven't attempted it because mine are scared of the shower :rolleyes: But I think you have some great ideas :good: GL!
  3. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    The problem with showering with small children, at least we've found, is that it's very hard to get them adequately rinsed without lifting them up closer to the shower head. This is hard enough to do when you're not pregnant and the child is old enough to hold still while you do it (in fact it still feels too dangerous for me).

    There is also a lot of moving around in the shower (kids wanting to be under the water, or not be under the water, etc.) and it gets sort of chaotic. And you would have to lift them out while you are dripping and wet (and possibly standing in the shower) yourself.

    It can't hurt to try, but I wouldn't plan on showering them both by yourself unless you are very comfortable doing it with just one.

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    That is exactly how I bathed my two when I was pregnant most days. A non-slip mat is a must. I sat on the floor of the shower and put them in my lap to rinse off. We'd all get out together and I'd dry us all off and then lotion/diaper/onesie the twins and get dressed quickly myself. I'd then usually let them play in the bathroom and finish getting ready myself, then take them to their room to get dressed.

    So, I'd have my clothes ready in the bathroom as well as their diapers and onesies (have wipes ready in case you have to take off a poopie diaper). I kept toys in the shower as well as their shampoo. If there isn't room for everything in your bathroom, you could have your clothes ready in their room and you could all go there to get dressed.

    On the days I didn't want to take a shower with them, I'd pop them in the kitchen sink for their bath. That saved my back/belly and I could get both bathed and dressed in 20 minutes flat. It was literally the fastest bath ever, but they were clean! I did the kitchen sink routine a lot at the end...
  5. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    we do this on the weekends, but there are two of us and the twins... not sure if I'd attempt to shower myself and the twins together... just logistically.

    1 thing we do in the shower is to have some mega blocks and other empty shampoo bottles so they have plenty to play with.

    I agree that it would be hard to rinse them off... but we have the moveable shower arm (what do you call that?!) so it makes it easy to spray them down. I was surprised that they did really well in our shower, it doesn't even have a proper door, just has a shower curtain, but they don't mess with that.

    good luck!
  6. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Thank you:) I think we might do a trial run when Daddy is home to see how it will go! This is all at night before bedtime so I don't have to rush to get anyone ready which does make it a little easier:)
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