shower at how many months suggested?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by alexafaeh, Sep 12, 2007.

  1. alexafaeh

    alexafaeh Well-Known Member


    my OB suggested I have my shower at 6 months, or latest at 7 months!

    we are doing 2 showers, one 2 hours by car away (the big family one)....scheduled for Dec 2, 2007, I'll be only 5 1/2 months by then...
    the 2nd shower will be at our home, so I am more comfortable doing it later, I'll be 7 months then, on Feb 20, 2008.

    I look here on boards and it looks like nobody is doing their shower as early as I am! should I just do my early one also in January?
    we picked Dec 2, between Thanksgiving and not too close to x-mas.

  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I had my shower in early June, well, mid. So I was just into my 7th month. I had it at home. I think with twins, the earlier the better!!
  3. Overachiever

    Overachiever Well-Known Member

    I had my shower before Halloween, so I must have been about 6.5 mos or so. Good thing, too, as I went on strict bedrest not long after.
    It's not a bad idea, especially if your doctor has reason to think you might be early.
  4. melissak

    melissak Well-Known Member

    I had my showers at 25 weeks & just this past Sunday at 28 weeks
  5. lilly_&_hunter

    lilly_&_hunter Well-Known Member

    I think with the fact that you'll be driving 2 hours away - Dec. is not too early for your shower. It's going to be crazy around the Holidays. The earlier in Dec you have it - the easier.

    The way I look at it - there is no set rule for showers. Have it at whatever date works best for you :)
  6. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I had a (BIG) shower at work at 26 weeks and then a huge family/friends shower at 29 weeks. I think anytime YOU want to do it is fine. I see no problem with doing it earlier rather than later. Have fun!
  7. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I too worried about the shower date! We just had mine this past Sunday. I was 32 weeks, 5 days. I was totally fine. I had dh come with me-which I think was a great idea. He did a lot of the opening and holding up the gifts, while I opened the card and announced what the gifts were. We had about 70 people and the shower was about 10 minutes away. Do what you feel comfortable with! I just happened to have an easy pregnancy, so it worked out for me in the end.
  8. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    i had my familiy shower at 7 months (it was ten minutes from my house). the godmother and godfather of the babies are having a "friend" shower for us in a few weeks (also ten minutes away)... it's gonna be uncomfortable since i spend most of my day lying down now, but it was kind of a last minute thing.
  9. careyayn22

    careyayn22 Well-Known Member

    I am having a family shower on the 22nd. I will just be shy of 27 weeks. I am on bed rest, so I am having it at my own house....which will be a bit strange.

    My co-workers and friends are also having showers for me, but we will have them after the babies are born...probably a lot later than I would like since I will have to buy most necessities before that point (babies will be born during the holiday season.) That is OK....I am sure I will just get a whole lot of clothes at those anyway.
  10. caryanne07

    caryanne07 Well-Known Member

    I had my shower when I was about 25 weeks so no, don't think you can have it too early. Especially with twins. I am very uncomfortable now (just 4 weeks later) and am glad I had it early. Plus, I spent all day yesterday at L&D being evaluated (looks like we're pretty much OK) but have been put on some sort of "modified" bed rest. Certainly can't travel far away for a shower.
  11. MissyEby

    MissyEby Well-Known Member

    I am having my shower at home at 27 will be a coed shower....with all of the friends and family....expecting 70 or so people....I don't honestly think you can have it too early....especially with twins...and the holidays upcoming.....I say GO FOR IT!!

    Have fun!


  12. blueeyez553

    blueeyez553 Well-Known Member

    my due date is march 17th , and thats when they thought it was only 1 baby so prob earlier now. but im having mine in early december just incase
  13. SilvrHeart

    SilvrHeart Well-Known Member

    My big one was scheduled for 24w6d, but I ended up in the hospital with PTL at 24w5d (yes, the night before) so I missed the whole thing! It's kind of a crapshoot, but earlier is definitely better. They say 24-28 weeks is a good time to have the shower but there's no way to know . . .
  14. dr802

    dr802 Well-Known Member

    I had my work shower at 20 weeks and then my big family shower at 29 weeks-that was tough-my belly was very big by then and it wiped me out-plus I am on modified rest...The earlier the better with twins b/c you never know how you will feel or what will happen! Godd luck!

  15. caba

    caba Banned

    I had my shower right at the end of 6 months ... and I was nervous about making it! I was on modified bedrest ... and so worried that they would put me on full bedrest and I would miss it! I agree, with twins, the earlier the better! Plus, it gives you more time to get everything in your home and sorted out.
  16. jeepwife

    jeepwife Well-Known Member

    I'm not having mine until I'm at least 30 weeks, even if I'm on bedrest in the hospital that's when it will be done. I'm really paranoid about it. If I could I would actually prefer to have it around 36 weeks, but since the babies will more than likely be born by then I can't.
  17. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I had my shower at 30 weeks, and would have had it at 24-26 weeks but I was on hospital bedrest at that point. My peri released me back to home bedrest at 28 weeks and my sister put together my shower (at my house) very quickly and it was a huge event. I was completely exhausted and all I did was lay around...DH and my niece opened most of the stuff.

    I'd say the earlier the better. My girls were born exactly one week after my shower.
  18. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    We had mine at 32 weeks but only because it was "tacked on" to another event that people from out of town were attending (people who would not have made the trip for only the shower). Anyway, it was OK for me but I was pretty uncomfortable by then and would have preferred a much earlier date. The biggest reason I would have rather it be earlier was that we had to go buy the things we needed but didn't get after the shower. I felt very unprepared until that was done and it wasn't fun shopping when I was so huge.
  19. bryean

    bryean Member

    I had my first shower at 26 weeks and 2 others at 28 weeks. I'm glad I did. I was already getting uncomfortalbe just doing normal stuff. Then at 30 weeks I was placed on bedrest.
  20. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

    I just had my shower this past Sunday at 29w6d. I've had an uneventful pg (thankfully) so it was not a big deal. I also knew that I was doing well as my mom and my sister were choosing a date. If you feel more comfortable having it earlier and your family is willing to, I would. Sometimes it's better to be on the safe side. Good luck :) .
  21. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    I had mine at 26w5d . I wanted it earlier than later. I think your OB's suggestion is right on. I'm GLAD I had it then shower was on Saturday and my 27 week apt. was on Monday...I was put on bedrest at that apt. Whew, I got it out of the way JUST IN TIME!
  22. alexafaeh

    alexafaeh Well-Known Member

    dear all...

    thanks so much for all your input! I do feel comfortable doing it on Dec 2, I'll be almost 5 months by then, I just hope and wish I'll be showing some belly by then...mine does not seem to grow much since the last 2 my updated belly shot!
    (on very last picture...)

  23. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    I will be having a friend shower at 25 weeks & a family shower at 27 and 28 weeks ~ I am feeling like the earlier the better since I have ZERO energy these days! Plus I am hoping that by doing it earlier than later I will acutally beable to organize some of the stuff in the baby room!
  24. xshannonx

    xshannonx New Member

    My shower is planned for 24w5d. I have had a problem free pregnancy- but wanted to have plenty of time to make returns, set stuff up and get anything else- just in case something comes up!
  25. Shasta

    Shasta Well-Known Member

    I had my shower at 31 weeks!!! ;)
  26. Cynthia3200

    Cynthia3200 Well-Known Member

    Mine is scheduled for when I'm 26 weeks 2 days.
  27. Ericka B

    Ericka B Well-Known Member

    I would do it as early as you can. I know I was afraid to have mine too early because I worried "what if something happens". I ended up having the first one at 28 weeks and the second one at 31 weeks. Honestly I wish I had them sooner. I could barely get out of the house for more than an hour by that time without being completely worn out. I remember I was sweating just from opening my gifts and then I was sore for two days just from being on my feet for a few hours. :laughing:
  28. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    hey i used to live in redondo beach! :)
  29. Doubleornuthin

    Doubleornuthin Active Member

    I suggest you have a shower everyday if possible, at least every other day. HAHAHAHA. Just kidding. :lol: My mother in law is so excited that she is having a shower this upcoming weekend,(im about 32 weeks) only she lives in New York and i live in las Vegas. So i don't even get to be there ;) ;) I've never had a baby so i've never had a shower, Im kinda sad but glad that she is having so much fun with it. I still get to receive all these nice gifts one day when she can bring them out but feel like Im missing my own party. Whhhhaaaa!
  30. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    I did not have one for the twins, but I think I would do it around 6 months.
  31. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    I had my family/friends shower at 32 w and I was ok for it - it was afterward that I wanted to die! I had my work shower at 35w3d - my last day of work!
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