Shouldn't have asked, lol!

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by SaraSatin, Oct 28, 2010.

  1. SaraSatin

    SaraSatin Well-Known Member

    So, my OB said at the 12 week ultrasound they might be able to tell gender, so I went ahead and asked. The u/s tech thought she saw boy parts on one and nothing on the other... the peri thought he saw girls due to the angle of their urethras or something like that. Now I'm obsessing over the silly nub theory, which at 10 weeks fetal age is not very reliable. I hope they can see a bit better at the 16 week u/s because I'd really like to know now! I will need time to adjust if I don't have a son in there since we won't have more and I'll be disappointed in ending this branch of the family line. DH is the last because he, his father and his grandfather all had sisters and no brothers.
  2. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    If it makes you feel better the 12 week can fool even the most experienced ultrasound techs.

    We had one done at 12 weeks and we asked if she could tell the gender and she said they looked like a high probability they'd be girls. At 18 weeks we saw 2 penises. So, the 12 week prediction proved to be wrong.
  3. SaraSatin

    SaraSatin Well-Known Member

    Thanks! I'd love two boys, even with how crazy I imagine life would be! I feel a lot of pressure to have a son and I'm sure I'm putting it on myself. What with the end of the family line issue and also wanting to name a son and not a daughter after my father...
  4. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    I even had a wrong gender at 19 weeks at the specialist. Said it was g/g and then 2 weeks later said b/g. So don't plan on anything until much later. Hope you get your boy though.
  5. kumphort

    kumphort Well-Known Member

    I also asked at the 13 week appt. and tech even took a pic of "boy parts" and lo and behold we have two girls :)
  6. SaraSatin

    SaraSatin Well-Known Member

    Ok, so I'm officially going to stop worrying and just focus on Hanukkah and Christmas shopping until my next u/s appointment. Thanks!!!
  7. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    I'll never forget with my oldest going in at 12 weeks and them telling me I was having a girl. I was so excited and my grandmother was in the hospital recovering from a minor surgery and I ran in and told her it was a girl. She gave me the funniest face and said, "no honey, you're mistaken. It's a boy" I was so irritated! I swore up and down it was a girl and that she was nuts. Yeah... 6 weeks later we found it was a boy :headbang: :laughing: I never did live that down! :lol:
  8. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    Your branch of the family won't end. Your DNA goes on, no matter which gender your children are. My grandfather had two of each, but his sons have only daughters. The second cousins in Sweden have only girls as well. (Everyone in the world with my original surname is related to me.) This name will end, completely. DH's family didn't produce any sons of sons, but of course their name is quite common and will not disappear. That's just how it goes. A daughter, two daughters--they fully carry the genetic line of both you and DH just as much as sons do. I feel a little sad about the name--I liked having an unusual name--but we'll hardly be the first name to disappear into history. Don't pressure yourself--especially since it is your DH who determines the sex of the babies. ;)

    eta: fix typo
    3 people like this.
  9. liliana

    liliana Well-Known Member

    I have my u/s at 16 weeks, and they said probably will be girls, but nobody believes. I call my mom and she said that will be boys!!!! Next week I have another u/s and I hope they can see better what it is!!!!!
  10. SaraSatin

    SaraSatin Well-Known Member

    Yeah, he pointed out that he determines the sexes too. However, spontaneous fraternal twins were really not on our radar at all! We haven't had twins in my side of the family for 6 generations! We do have very fertile women though, in my generation and the one after me (nieces and nephews, second cousins) there are 6 children born while their parents used birth control. Maybe it should have been a sign.

    The name won't end, just our brand of it. My DH's great grandfather had brothers and the name is still going on there. Actually, if anyone works in medicine and has heard of the Satinsky clamp that is someone on that branch of the family. :)

    I wish someone would intuitively tell me! My friend (who is due right around my 37 week limit of April 13th) said she had a dream we had our babies the same day and I had boys. I hope she is right! LOL

    I'll love them either way, I just always imagined having a son and I know my DH did too.
  11. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    We don't have twins on either side of our families so having twins was a REAL shocker. Although with ID twins I don't think there needs to be a history of it since the egg spontaneously splits for unknown reasons.

    Well if they are girls you'll just have to try for another! hehe. Good luck!
  12. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    They should definitely get a clearer picture at 16 weeks for you. :good: I know at our 11w u/s the tech said she "thought" Baby B was a boy, looked a little thick between the legs, she couldn't tell anything about Baby A. And then at 17w3d, I found out that A was a girl and B was a boy, so the tech was right at 11w. :good:
  13. ljmcisaac

    ljmcisaac Well-Known Member

    Around here they do gender at 18-20 weeks...well, a girl in my mom class at the health unit had a boy and the room was pink, they had bought all girls clothing, etc.... And the tech has 30 yrs experience and a 95% rate of correct guesses. He he, now we know who is in the other 5 %...
  14. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    at 16 weeks both of mine were breech and they couldn't get a look at the took till 21 weeks to find out they were b/g...I had a feeling though from the time I got pg that they were b/g!
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