Should we put her on the potty?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by hugdarla, Mar 16, 2009.

  1. hugdarla

    hugdarla Member

    A few weeks ago my two 15 month olds got a stomach virus and ever since my daughter has figured out what "poopy" is and actually tells us before she goes. I am just wondering if she is too young to try potty training? Our son is still clueless. I think his sister will be telling us that he is poopy before he ever does!

    I am expecting another baby in June so I'm not sure if we even want to deal with this yet. The best I've done so far is to overhear her saying "poopy" from the living room after I had removed her diaper for a bath. We made it to the potty just in time! :)

  2. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    If she is telling you before she goes, then yes, I would try putting her on the potty next time she tells you that. If she is doing that, that is great. :clapping:
  3. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    I agree with pp...if she can tell you before she goes then it might be worth trying now.

    I was pregnant as the boys were nearing two and everyone was pressuring for me to start potty training. I still haven't started but my boys are just now consistently telling me AFTER they've gone pee pee or poo poo. I figure by later spring, around May, that we'll start in our house. They do say girls are generally easier to train. I figure I'll still be working with the boys when baby girl is ready! :p
  4. 2plusbgtwins

    2plusbgtwins Well-Known Member

    I say yes. If she is telling you BEFORE she poops, that is great!! I would definitely put her on the potty and hopefully she will learn that that is where poopy goes. I started my first son around 15-16 months, and he was fully trained by 26 months!! I personally feel that the earlier you introduce it, the easier it will be in the long run (for some kids)
  5. hugdarla

    hugdarla Member

    She is telling me before but at this point I don't think she has any idea what the toilet is for. She still doesn't tell us when she pees and we have had a few fart false alarms. :) I am just so shocked by this as I didn't think we would even be thinking about potty training for another year.

    She is in daycare during the day and I am not sure that Amelia is telling her teacher or that the teacher is as clued in to the warning with so many kids around. I think I will start putting her on the potty when she tells me and see if anything happens.

    Thanks for the advice! I guess I will be spending the next 3 years of my life potty training children! It would be nice to have one of the three no longer in diapers.

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