Should we or shouldn't we?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by dezmitch, Dec 28, 2010.

  1. dezmitch

    dezmitch Well-Known Member

    My twins are almost 2years and 5 months today! My DS is not ready to potty train yet, we think a few months and he'll get there. He sits on the potty now, but he doesn't do anything. DD will sit on the potty and tinkle, but not poo. We never pushed her into potty training, but now we think we may begin a week from this Friday (so after the New Year's Holiday).

    I am hesitant about training her -- why? We have two BIG trips coming up in which I'll be traveling alone on the plane with the kids and I'm just nervous about accidents. Diapers are so convenient for the plane, and I guess I can buy pull ups but I figured I didn't want to confuse her and let her think it's ok to where pull ups on the plane to pee in her pants, etc.

    So - I was going to wait and potty train in the Spring (after our trips are over). Thoughts???? I'm nervous I'll miss that window of opportunity and she'll be harder to potty train, or is this something that I shouldn't be concerned about.
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I think it's up to you, with how comfortable you feel about when you start. If you do decide to start before your trips you could always tell DD that the pull ups or diapers that she is wearing on the plane are "in case of emergency panties" and that her goal is to keep them dry if she can. When I trained my DD, the pull ups that she wore for nap and bedtime were her sleepy time pull ups and she eventually started to keep them dry during those times. Good luck with your decision!
  3. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    I personally would wait. But I agree with Nancy that it's very much a personal choice. What works best for you and your family. I hate the mess of pt'ing (did it with my oldest) so we're waiting until they are totally ready and we're not doing pull ups. So with big trips planned for you guys, I would probably wait.
    Good luck!
  4. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    I would wait. My girls weren't fully trained till 3 and 1/2
  5. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    If it were me, I would wait and just let her progress as she is doing now. However, if you decide to go ahead, you will be able to tell very quickly (within a week or so) how she will do. You could always experiment and take her on a couple of trips out and about (running errands) and see how she handles that. There's nothing wrong with using the pull-ups on the plane to keep from having accidents.
  6. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I say if you want to start go for it! we started before our big vacation this summer, kinda haphazardly and then just did diapers on vacation. and we hit it hard for a good month after vacation before I bought and did the "3 day" method. We are able to now go out and about without even bringing back up clothing or anything now.

    I doubt starting now would confuse her, but I definitely would use diapers/pull ups on the trip. there's no need to stress over that. I mean when they need to go its like a 10 second forewarning!
  7. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    If you think she's ready, then start! You'll know within a few days whether it's the right time or not. If she's resisting or having tons of accidents or it's stressful for you, then stop and try in a month or two. As for your trip... don't hesitate (in my opinion) to put a diaper on her and tell her it's "just in case". We took a long plane trip a month after my girls were fully trained (ie- no accidents in a few weeks) and Piper HAD TO PEE RIGHT NOW!!!! as the plane was taking off. Let me tell you, I wish I had thought to put a diaper on her as insurance. But no... so the poor kid tried and tried not to pee, but a little bit leaked out and we had to change her pants. She was so upset, although we told her it was no big deal. For our second trip I put both girls in diapers with underwear over them for "just in case". That was better and they easily reverted to just underwear as soon as we got off the plane.
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