Should I start solids now?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by w101ttd, Aug 31, 2010.

  1. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    My twins are almost 5 months, but adjusted age is about 3 months.The boy is just not interested in milk anymore. His intake drops from 27 down to 22-24oz now. There is nothing wrong with him. His pedi even said so too. I cant force him to eat. His weight gain is so slow like 0.5oz in 2 days. So I started giving him like 1 teaspoon of cereal mixed with like 15 cc breast milk around 7pm (the time he refuses his bottle most). I did let him try green beab stage 1 baby food. He didnt like it that much. and he puked after eating banana baby food. I think I could be able to make him eat more because he might think eating with spoon is a game !!!!! Last night i gave him 1.5 teaspoon of cereal. He got fussy later on. But I was not sure if its because of the cereal or overstimulated, or too sleepy.

    By the way, his head control is very good. He sits very well with support. He loves his exersaucer and jumperoo.
    What should I do?thanks
  2. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    We did not start solids until the week our boys turned 6 months. We tried twice and it just didn't go well (stomach pain, etc.). There is nothing wrong with waiting a bit. I am concerned that if you give him solids, his formula will drop even more, and at that age, they should be getting 24-32 oz. (although like you said, you cannot force him to eat). Have you asked you doctors about the solids? My kids hate green beans, so he may just hate those. Have you tried carrots? They are popular with most kids.
  3. KStorey

    KStorey Well-Known Member

    I agree with the carrots. Veges are more accepted in our house too. I have one boy that was ready for solids at 4 1/2 months and the other is starting to show signs now that he might be ready. He's six months. Depends on the child. Does he show classic signs that he is ready to eat? I was always told that solids upto seven months is 'practice' eating and that their milk (breast or formula) should be their main source of nutrition. Good luck.
  4. mandywellman

    mandywellman Well-Known Member

    My girls are same age! i started solids last week. we have done bannanas and sweet potatoes. we hav been ding rice and oatmeal off a spoon for about a month.

    on of my twins is the same way not wanting to drink her bottls as much and happy as a clam seems content. but i worry bc she is smaller of the two. so what i do is find ways o hide it, i offer the bottle first and if she does not drink it all i mix it with rice or cereal. try not to do it, but she is stil getting it that way so it works.

    at dinner they get rice mixed with their solids. so she gets milk in that way too. i mix the rice and breastmilk and then mix that into the veggie or fruit that they are going to get that night.

    i think it cant hurt starting this young. just try different things and see what they like. I am just doing solids once a day til 6 months then i may increase.

    goood luck. sorry i am pumping right now, so i may have some typos.
  5. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I usually stuck with the cereal for a few weeks before I added anything else into the mix. I wanted them to get a good handle on the cereal first(as well as myself and feeding two babies/time!). After at least a month or so, I then added in the veggies. I personally started with sweet potatoes. All of my kids loved sweet potatoes-and all of them HATED anything that was green! :laughing:

    And like a pp said, it's more for practice right now. I would expect the solids to cut into his formula intake. You should be aiming for at least the 24oz as a pp suggested. So instead of getting rid of that bottle all together, I would still give him the bottle, and later on try the solids.

    Have you tried upping the ounces in the bottle, and then spreading the bottle out a bit longer? He may not be hungry when the bottle is being offered.

    Oh-and I too always mixed their cereals/veggies, etc with formula. That way I knew they were getting some more in that way as well. Good luck. Remember-it's a learning curve for him, as well as you!
  6. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    No I don't cut off his milk.he has ebm and formula.I try very hard to make him drink as much as possible. I only give him cereal mixed with breast milk when he refuses his bottle. At least he takes in like 20cc extra this way. I just gave him like 1 tsp of carrot then cereal tonight. He seemed like it and didn't have any reaction. So I will give him carrot again tomorrow. I totally agree that solid can't replace for milk at this age. I would never give him cereal if he loved his milk.but this is the only way I can give him extra calories.he eats his cereal way better than his bottles. Its like he totally forgot how to take bottles. Its in his mouth. He plays with it and finally he pushs it out with his touge.I don't know how ppl can force feed.he keeps talking and smiling entire time when bottle is in his mouth. So milk comes out everywhere.only way I can make him take his bottle is when he's asleep.

    My question is how many tsp of cereal, carrot,.. I can give him everyday? Right now, he gets like 1-2 tsp of cereal and 1tsp of carrot(just started last night) a day. I don't know if its too little or too much. Thanks
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