should I give milk at every meal

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by LB, Nov 8, 2007.

  1. LB

    LB Well-Known Member

    I don't think my guys are getting enough milk. This is our schedule:
    7 breakfast with milk sippy (4 oz and they don't finish it)
    9 snack with milk sippy (3 oz and don't finish it)
    11 lunch with water sippy
    2 snack with milk sippy (4 oz and they don't finish it)
    4 dinner with water or water and juice sippy
    6 8oz milk bottle and they drink at least 6 oz if not more sometimes

    For snacks and dinner I try to give them cheese or yogurt along with whatever else they are eating.
  2. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I give mine milk at every meal and a small sippy before bed.

    ETA: Mine just really started drinking a good amount of milk around 16 months.
  3. Hillybean

    Hillybean Well-Known Member

    Our girls drink about 11-13 (14 at most!) ounces a day. Our pedi wasn't concerned because they eat a lot of cheese, yogurt and other dairy.
  4. BettiePage

    BettiePage Well-Known Member

    We do milk with every meal.
  5. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    We do milk with every meal, and Grace gets milk with her afternoon snack while Lily gets juice (Lily drinks way more milk than Grace, so we limit her). We do nothing but water before bed, and that's only if they seem thirsty.
  6. Lilpark

    Lilpark Well-Known Member

    we do milk at all three meals and then water or juice throughout the day.
  7. mom_stacyX2

    mom_stacyX2 Well-Known Member

    We are still doing milk at every meal. They get (3) 7oz sippys. Most of the time they finish them, but only if I let them drink it after they are done eating.

    My only suggestion to you would be is to stop the milk at 9 and give it at 11. Since, they are having it at 7, they may not be interested at 9, holding off until 11 may help. :hugs:
  8. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    I give milk at breakfast and a sippy with our bedtime wind-down. When they started with all milk after the switch from formula, at first they were drinking milk three times a day, and were drinking around 16 oz. Our doctor advised us to keep it to more like 10 oz since they also eat yogurt and cheese every day. They were getting constipated. At this point, I think Bea maybe drinks 10 oz, but Ainsley maybe 6, if that. She just doesn't seem to like milk that much. I am not one that gets too worried about how much milk they drink. They eat yogurt almost every morning, and cheese at least once a day. Also, if we were vegan or they were lactose intolerant, they would have to get calcium and Vitamin D some other way.
  9. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    We do milk at meals and a sippy of milk at bed. They get water for snacks and in between.
  10. angie7

    angie7 Well-Known Member

    My girls are offered milk at every meal and they maybe drink 14 ozs a day. We do eat alot of cheese and 2 yogurts a day to help make up for it. They get a milk sippy before bedtime but they hardly touch it. They do get offered juice before nap time so at least they are drinking something....
  11. i4get

    i4get Well-Known Member

    We do milk at every meal and water (sometimes with a splash of juice) at snack time. I agree with holding off til the 11am lunch for another milk sippy. Since they aren't finishing the one at snack, I'd save it for lunch. Hope that helps!
  12. 2scoops

    2scoops Well-Known Member

    Looks like they are getting enough. If you are feeding them other dairy products they will be fine. here is what we do:

    Milk with every meal in a sippy. Sometimes they finish sometimes they don't
    We don't do snacktime at all, occassionally just crackers or something small if they seem hungry.
    No milk before bed just water becuase of their teeth!

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