Should I even bother yet?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Snittens, Oct 22, 2007.

  1. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Pretty much ever since they turned two, everyone thinks I need to be potty training them. This is something I have been dreading and to be perfectly honest, I am not ready for it. Their preschool wants them in pull-ups so they do wear them to school. I thought maybe with being in pull-ups I could easily put them on the potty at the usual pooping times like after meals, but it turned into a big pain and I stopped. Right now, all I have is the seats that go on the regular toilet.
    When I do put them on the potty, all they do is sit there and then want to flush the toilet and wash hands. I think it's just all a game right now. I really can't deal with having one on the potty and the other running around the bathroom yelling "Go potty!" and unrolling all the TP, opening cabinets, etc. They do ask to go potty sometimes, and about half the time I will put them on.

    So, do I even bother? Bea will tell me she has pooped pretty consistently. She does not tell me she needs to though. Ainsley will answer if I ask her. Neither seem aware of wetness. I don't think they have ever been totally dry waking up.

    I do not want to drag out potty training for months. I would rather they be in diapers longer and have it go quickly.
  2. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    I would put them on the toilet when they ask, but that would be it. They are pretty young, and I wouldn't push anything. If you find they are going consistantly when they ask, you may be ready to go to panties. Good luck!
  3. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    If they aren't ready you're just creating a headache for yourself. I had one child (DS1) who trained easily at just over 2. The others weren't interested. I got the same pressure with the girls, and I tried at 27 months. And then I stoppped completely and waited until about 31 months and they trained in a week. It's so much easier to do it when they want to.
  4. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I feel exactly the same way (I'd rather change diapers till they're 3 and then PT in a week), and my girls seem at about the same stage.

    I am not pushing PT at all -- I think the only reason they're even aware of it is because of the older kids in their class at school. Frankly I discourage them from using the potty -- I mean, I certainly let them go when they ask to, and I ask them every time I take off a dirty diaper whether they want to go, but if they say no or act at all uncertain, I think "Whew" and pop a clean diaper on them.

    When they do sit on the potty, Amy will usually pee, but then wants to sit there for all eternity, waiting for something else to happen. Sarah stands up & sits back down every 3 seconds, while saying "Sarah poop! Sarah poop!" and not doing it. Eventually they both wander away and start running around the house stark naked, which is my cue to plop them back on the changing table, at which point they both start complaining again that they want to go poop on the potty. It's a hassle and we're not making any progress.
  5. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Sorry I hadn't been looking at the PT area for a few days. Alden, we're at pretty much the same spot. Going potty is just a big joke and an excuse to run around naked. Last night before bed was the last straw for me. Bea insisted she had to go, so I put her on, then she got down and ran around naked, then so was Ainsley, and we ended up with a big fight before bed. They are clearly not ready, and neither one has ever done anything on the potty. It's all about unrolling toilet paper and flushing.
    I feel like I'm doing something "wrong" by saying no potty, but maybe if I act like it's a big reward to go on the potty, they won't think it's a big joke? I don't know.
  6. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    I would leave it for now, until they show a real interest. My girls were over 3 I waited until they really showed an interest and when they did we just switched to potty/toilet and underwear and it woz done with in a few days!!
  7. BettiePage

    BettiePage Well-Known Member

    Like I posted in another thread, my girls love to "go pee-pee on the potty" but they've never had one drop actually come out. It's also all about the toilet paper and "plushing" for them. And also it was starting to turn into a mega stalling tactic before bedtime or getting dressed to leave the house, etc., so I actually have started saying no a lot of the time they ask to go. Rita was starting to get to where she would way she wanted to go, she'd sit on the potty for 30 seconds, then say all done, then 5 minutes later ask to go again. I feel like it goes against all potty training guidelines to say no when they ask to go, but they just see it as a big fun game and just totally do not "get it" yet. So for the moment I am kind of trying to subtly discourage their interest in it.

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