Should I consider buying a wipe warmer at this stage?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by SMax, Sep 27, 2009.

  1. SMax

    SMax Well-Known Member

    Diaper changes are horrible! The only thing we can figure out is they hate the cold wipes?? They are as happy as clams until we lay them on the changing table and then the fit starts. Poopies are the WORST as they have the potential to fling it everywhere <_< <_<

    I know it might just be a stage, but I am looking for any ideas on how to make it better for everyone.

    Is a wipe warmer worth it? And would you buy one now? (We are probably a long way from potty-training...)
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I don't know that I would buy one now, have you tried anything to distract them while changing a diaper? I've found my kids are most resistant to a diaper change when they feel they are too busy to stop for the change. We usually give them a book or a toy to keep them occupied. Maybe you can try warm washcloths or paper towels and see if that helps before you spend the money on a wipe warmer. Good luck!
  3. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    I was going to suggest the warm wash cloth before investing in the warmer.
  4. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    good idea to see if something warm would help. Also, find something that they haven't seen before to play with on the table... anything. A plastic kitchen spatula or anything. Ours also love the crinkly sound of the travel size disposable wipes package... maybe let them play with an empty one or something. my mil has a really hard time changing both our on her bed... and I think its more because everything is new ... anyway, what I was going to say was that she babysat a neighbor's kid and had to change her... too funny... she just laid there! my mil was floored! what a concept to just "let your diaper be changed"! good luck.
  5. SMax

    SMax Well-Known Member

    I like the idea of trying a warm washcloth first...thanks!

    And the suggestion of an empty travel wipe packet is great, too! Occasionally I give them a book or toy, but then I have to both change the diaper AND keep the book/toy away from the dirty bottom...they always want to stick it down there :unsure:

    Is this a phase that will ever end or will this be the norm until they are potty-trained?
  6. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't get one. Mine are crazy during diaper changes. I use the distraction technique, which does help, but not always.
  7. twinnerbee

    twinnerbee Well-Known Member

    I just babysat my friend's twins (same age as mine) and after she showed me her diaper changing strategy, I'm hooked, at least for my VERY squirmy DS. She sits on the floor with a changing pad sideways in front of her so when she lays the baby down, his head is to her left and legs extending in front of her to the right. She gently puts her left leg over his belly...not pressing down, but acting as both a means of keeping him still and keeping his hands away from his diaper area. It's amazing! I know it sounds weird or like it would hurt, but they are completely happy. Mine aren't used to it so when I first tried, I had to give them a toy to play with and be extra smiley about it, but they're getting used to it and it's so much easier!!

    FWIW, I gave up the changing table a few months ago because they just wanted to get away from me and I was afraid they would fall. Even before I learned this new maneuver, I was doing it on the floor!
  8. Andi German

    Andi German Well-Known Member

    Never even heard of a wiper warmer!!! Good grief - the unnecessary things that are available to mommies! Please don't buy one! Sure this phase will pass for you.
  9. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    My kids are extremely squirmy and hate diaper changes too... I really don't think it has anything to do with the wipes. Unless you keep them outside I doubt they're very cold anyway.
  10. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    I think it's a stage where they are too busy to get their diaper changed/want to exert control/etc. It's just gotten better for us in the last month because they are obsessed with Elmo and they know Elmo is on their diapers, so they let us put new Elmo diapers on them.
  11. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    I don't find them unnecessary; I have two! Have you ever put one of those cold wipes on your privates? It's excruciating!

    But as far as the OP's question, I doubt if it's cold wipes that are causing the distraction. My boys are like wild animals on the changing table. The only thing that helps is giving them something new or interesting to play with. They are particularly fascinated with the bulb syringe....
  12. Halseyse

    Halseyse Well-Known Member

    Like PP suggested, I would try to distract them. Sometimes [more often then not] mine like to squirm and kick during the diaper change. I give them a toy, book, or let them hold their clean diaper to keep them busy during the change. Sometimes it works.. sometimes it doesn't ;)

    We used a diaper warmer in the begining - do not get one!! They dry out the wipes while they're in the container AND they cool off before you can get them to the baby's bum! It's a waste of mula IMO. [​IMG]
  13. marcymiller

    marcymiller Well-Known Member

    I just learned this strategy too! It works for us although they are getting better about changes so I only need to whip out the old leg over tummy position occasionally!! I am always reinventing the wheel so to speak. They get bored w/the same ol' object to hold onto and look at while changing and chuck it over the side so you've got to always be thinking... hey, this yogurt container that I'm about to toss out might make a good distraction for a few days if I wash it up real well, etc.... right now mine are totally into holding their own wipe. I've made a silly game out of it. Sometimes I say "wash your hands" and act really silly while I pretend to wash my hands with it and then they are content to copy me, or wipe your face, etc.... but I think the effect is beginning to wear off because now one just likes to shred the wipe and the other tries to eat it! Time for me to look for a new gimic!! I'm staring at an old baby brush we no longer use... now it's sitting next to the diapers on the changing table. We'll try that. If it happens to get into the poop (cuz that's what they'll try eventually), I'll just toss it. We don't need it anymore anyways!
  14. Maymay

    Maymay Well-Known Member

    I am very anti-wipe-warmer. If thats what their used to what do you do when you go out?
    What can work very well though is just holding the wipe in your hand for a few seconds. It doesn't get it warm warm but it won't be cold.

    So having said that, I think pps are right that their just going to be wiggly during diaper changes. One technique I used a lot was having a hand towel around to lay over their face and let them play peekaboo with it. Mine LOVED that.
  15. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Doing the leg thing here just results in screaming... lol. Honestly it just got really worse in the last few months, now I usually have to put them back on their back at least 5 times when I try to change them.

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