Should I be worried?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by eewelks, Sep 22, 2008.

  1. eewelks

    eewelks Well-Known Member

    So DS can sit up by himself and has been able to do that since he was six and half months old. However, he can only
    roll one way -- from front to back but shows NO interest in rolling back to front.

    Also, he still HATES being on his tummy and isn't up rocking on all fours at all. DD is crawling all over the place, and it's hard not to compare them.

    Should I be worried he only rolls one way? Should I be worried that he shows no interest, at almost 8 months, in rocking on all fours? He can do push-ups but doesn't get up on his knees. Even though he hates tummy time, we still do it at least three times a day and I rarely put him in a jumperoo or anything to contain him, hoping to encourage movement.

    He is happy as a clam playing with toys, that are within his reach, and watching his big sis, our dog and his twin.
    I have tried putting toys out of his reach, showing him how to roll etc., but nothing seems to work.

    Guess I just want reassurance .... I considered calling the ped, but DH said that sitting up by six and a half months shows that he is okay.

  2. melissak

    melissak Well-Known Member

    Well, I probably wouldn't worry. My guys could not even sit up on their own at 8 months, now 2 months later they are sitting up, standing, and crawling as fast as can be.
  3. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    I don't think you have anything to worry about....

    I can tell you from my own experiences with my 4 -yr-old DS and my 8.5 month old twins that all 3 sound very similar to your DS.

    My older DS did not roll from back to belly until he started crawling at 9.5 months old - he was perfectly content to sit and play with his toys and watch our dog or my DH and I.

    My twin boys are 8.5 months old and they, too, do not roll from back to belly. They don't really even attempt it. They love, love, love to sit and play with their toys. If I put Sullivan on his belly he will get up on all 4's and rock, but if I put Finley on his belly he just stays there and pushes up his chest (like a push-up) - but he does not attempt to get up on his knees. If I put toys out of their reach, they just reach for them but they do not really try to move towards them, etc.

    I think a lot of it is personality - some babies are very motivated to move, others are content to just sit and play. If it makes you feel any better - I've read numerous times that rolling and crawling are not even considered developmental milestones any more due to the "Back to Sleep" recommendation. I believe that instead of focusing on crawling, pediatricians like to see babies have some type of mobility (army crawl, traditional crawling, walking, etc.) by the time they are 1-year-old.

    Try not to worry - I know that it is hard! But your little guy sounds just fine! Of course, if it will make you feel better - it never hurts to check with your Pedi. :)
  4. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Well-my son is getting EI(Early Intervention) for one main thing-lack of rolling from back to belly. He's 11 months old-and he just refuses to do it. And on the rare occasions where he ends up on his back-he cries until someone gets him up. He has made great progress in trying to roll...he just can't get his arm over. It's like it's not even there.

    I personally, do not think it's a big deal because he will EVENTUALLY roll. Why he's not now, I don't know! He's been crawling since 9 months, he cruises, walks with his toy, and actually rolled belly to back FIRST! When he is on his back because I put him there-he is perfectly content and happy playing and babbling.

    Like a pp said-if you are concerned-mention it to your pedi. And FWIW-my son is also seeing a neurologist for his head size-and she's not concerned about the rolling...

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    My girls' PT did mention that the girls should roll to both sides once they begin rolling or it could mean we need to work more on their torticollis. I believe that all babies do things in their own time, but I always ask about anything and everything for my peace of mind. :)
  6. eewelks

    eewelks Well-Known Member

    I never felt worried with DD 1 like I do with Finn and Maeve. Maybe because they are doing things so differently from each other? UGH! I hate the fact I am comparing them, but I guess it's hard not to.

    Thanks for your replies. Their 9 months checkup isn't until the end of October. Maybe I'll give it a few more weeks and see what happens. :)

  7. bef1210

    bef1210 Active Member

    My first DS was like this. He didn't even roll tummy to back until 7 months. Back to tummy was even later. He didn't crawl until 10-1/2 months. Even with all this, he still ended up walking shortly after 1 year. I was worried at the time, but seeing how he turned out, I wouldn't be the least bit concerned if my twins rolled/crawled late.
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