Should I be worried?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by [email protected], May 14, 2008.


    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    I have 3 mo. old twin girls, but this pertains to my 18 mo. old DS. I am concerned that he should be saying more words. He regularly says mama, dada, uh oh and night night. He has said maybe 5 other words on occasion but not recently. And those words weren't very clear. When he wants something he points to it and says nah (whatever that is). I have been trying to say everything to him such as colors, shapes, foods, clothing items, body parts etc. I know that he knows what I am saying though because if I say lets go brush your teeth he heads straight for the bathroom. He points to most of his body parts when asked where they are. Should I be worried that is main vocab. is only 4 words? I am a worry wort anyway so would just appreciate any advice or support.

    Thanks for all your responses!
  2. maggiemay2

    maggiemay2 New Member

    My boys are almost 18 months, and only say mama, dada, this, shoe. Both are very reciptive though. I am kinda worried myself but I always hear boys are late talkers. My first DS was. Sorry not much help.
  3. Im worried about my 15 mo old as well on this subject. She says dada, daddy, hi and sissy thats it. I am curious to see the responses you get...
  4. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    I would say at 18 months I would not be worried. I think at that age DS had less than 10 words. His language didn't really develop until he was about 2ish.
  5. mommycandi

    mommycandi Well-Known Member

    Mine are 18 1/2 months (15 adjusted) and they both only say mama and dada. They were evaluted for speech last month and only ds qualified. DD is more expressive with gestures and has better receptive language. She knows things like bottle, binky, ball, shoes, come, etc. when i say them. She also poits to everyting and says ba or na. I tell you this because even though she only says two words (well, maybe three, i think she is beginning to call all furry animals "cat") she is not considered delayed. DS qualified b/c of his lack of gestures and receptive language, not the fact that he only says a couple words. The Speech therapist who did the eval told me that there is a huge range of when kids start to speak. Based on the fact that your ds is saying several things and is understanding what you say, i would think that there isn't any signifcant problem.
  6. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    If you are really worried you can always have early intervention evaluate him and see or talk to you doctor. My son is 21mths now and he still doesn't say anything regularly (maybe about 8 words) or clear enough for most people to understand. Only in the past of months has his speech improved. He understands just about everything you ask him to do. I would say not to worry about your son especially if he understands you and he even knows his body parts (my son only knows a couple). I would think after two if you are still worried and he's still not saying much then call to get him evaluated.
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