Should I be worried they aren't yet talking? 14.5 months old

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by **Diane**, Apr 20, 2008.

  1. **Diane**

    **Diane** Well-Known Member

    I've got 14.5 month old b/g twins and I'm just concerned that they aren't talking yet. They do ALOT of babbling but no words at all. I'm reading that they should have at least one or two by now. They aren't even saying mama or dada.

    I talk to them alot as usually it's just me and them during the day. I feel like I'm doing something wrong. A friend told me not to worry but how can i not. They are walking, clapping, waving etc. Even baby signs they aren't picking up. Although my DD finally got milk but uses it for anything she wants (drink or food) Although I admit I'm not as consistant with that.

    When do you worry OR should I be worried?? It's something I will definately ask at our 15 month appt.
  2. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I can tell you not to worry, since I was in your shoes, but I worried too. :hug99:

    When I took the girls for their 18 mo. visit, Lauren was saying approximately 12 words and Emma only 4 words. Our pedi said they seem to have good receptive language (understanding commands from me) so that was a good sign. He also said the baby babble IS a way of them to talk at this age, even if it makes no sense to us.

    I was trying to push for an EI evaluation but he didn't think it was necessary just yet.

    His words of advice were to constantly point things out, repeat the word a couple of times, and read to them often, pointing out objects in the books.
  3. littletwinmom

    littletwinmom Well-Known Member


    I have b/g almost exactly the same age as yours, and they aren't really saying much either, although I'm starting to realize they do understand a lot of things I say to them. They babble constantly, and do say mama and dada, but they say it all day to anyone! Also, once in a blue moon if I say a word enough times to them, they will try to repeat it. I'm not horribly concerned about it, they've been on the "late" side of the normal range for all their milestones. They are still not walking, but were late rollers, late crawlers, ect, and my DS actually did take a few steps last week but hasn't done it since.

    Also, mine are constantly doing new tricks, which makes me know they are growing mentally, and I think that is the most important thing. I think some babies master different things in different orders...i.e. some are more advanced with their physical developmental milestones, while others are doing verbal things first..if that makes any sense.

    But we are moms, we have to worry! I too am looking forward to our 15 month so I can talk to the pedi, but overall I think everything is just fine.
  4. Jen620

    Jen620 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Joey didn't say much at all until she was 26 months...then she just exploded. At 21 months we were so excited that her word was "baby." We did have her tested at 17mo, and her receptive language was fine, but her expressive tested at just below the normal range so she qualified for speech therapy. The speech therapist came out every other month and played some games with her to try to get her to repeat sounds. We stopped for the summer in April, and in May she jsut started talking! Last fall she was reevaluated and no longer receives services.

    Do I think having the speech lady come out helped? Not really. Was I glad she came out? Yes. Despite having tested just below normal, there could have been a real speech issue. I was glad that I had her tested early enough to catch a problem if there really was one. I started wondering about 16 months if there was a problem; her older sister had many more words by this point.

    I would bring it up at your 15mo appointment and see what your pedi thinks about getting them tested at 18mo if you don't hear many more words. I certainly can't hurt to get them tested!
  5. thea7

    thea7 Well-Known Member

    I was in the same situation. My DD didn't say anything until 17 months and my DS didn't say anything until 19 this I mean they didn't even say "Mama" or "Dada" or any animal noises, nothing. I brought up my concerns at the 12 month and the 15 month well visit; my pedi wasn't too concerned, she kept telling me "let's wait." At the 18 month well visit, when DS still wasn't talking, I finally pushed to get him tested and he qualified for speech therapy. But DD is doing well and doesn't need it. I think you're right to bring this up at the 15 month visit. See what your pedi says. If you're worried you could ask for a referral then, or else you could wait until the 18 month appt. and see how they're doing then. It's hard not to worry!

  6. 4EverHis

    4EverHis Well-Known Member

    I don't know about where you live but here, anyone can call and get the evaluation and we don't need a referral from our Dr. We called EI and both boys qualified at a year. Now they are signing and saying words and have come a long way. I would suggest getting an evaluation and go from there. Either way, it can't hurt. Especially if there are frustration issues.
  7. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Mine really just started. They have some animal sounds and some words but they are not consistent by any means with them. The Ped was not concerned at their 15 mo appt. So hang in there. It will come.
  8. greymom

    greymom Well-Known Member

    My boys said next to nothing until a month before their second birthday. I was freaking out and asked our doctor to recommend EI, even though he didn't think it was really necessary. About a month before their birthday, they started talking and 3 weeks later they were talking short sentences. It was a massive speech explosion! Now they are actually slightly advanced in the speech department.

    I think what got the ball rolling in our case was that they started going to daycare around that time, and were interacting with lots of other kids who were talking. That's my theory anyway.

    It couldn't hurt to talk to your pedi and get EI involved if your insurance covers it, if you are worried. But I'm sure they are just developing at their own pace. My boys weren't interested in saying mama or dada either for a long time.

  9. me_and_my_boy

    me_and_my_boy Well-Known Member

    I have one that pretty much babbled and said mama until he was 30.5 months old. Now, at 33 months, he is saying 4-5 word phrases and pretty much doesn't stop talking -- LOL. He was great at receptive speech, but very lacking in expressive speech. I worried myself sick but my pedi said not to have him evaluted until he was 30 months. Pedi said the most kids in speech therapy earlier than that would likely have started talking on their own by 30 months. In our case, he was right. I would say if there are no other delays in gross or fine motor, then I wouldn't worry about it just yet.

  10. **Diane**

    **Diane** Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone! A friend of mine said they are probably just more interested in learning to walk etc. I will definately mention it at our next appt and see what the pediatrician says.
  11. jdandson

    jdandson Well-Known Member

    I agree with all the PP's, mine don't talk either, I get very jealous of my niece who is exactly 2 months older that my boys. Mine don't have more than maybe 6 words, and that is when they actually feel like talking!! they are very good with receptive also, i was VERY worried and have also been bugging my ped like other parents on here, but she also said wait until 2, i am afraid 2 is creeping up very quickly and still not much! I wouldn't worry it will come, all kids are different so comparing to other moms isn't much help, I know first hand, it has only frustrated me more.
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