Should I be worried about GIANT babies?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by bekkiz, Sep 4, 2008.

  1. bekkiz

    bekkiz Well-Known Member

    I'm 28W, and had a growth check ultrasound yesterday. Baby A has always measured well above the curve, but Baby B has always been smaller (they're di/di).

    Well, both are now measuring above average....WELL above average. Baby A is est. at 3lbs3oz (like 95%) and Baby B is est. at 2lbs12oz (about 65% or so). OMG--I'm growing a linebacker and a running back. I'm not even going to talk about head size--both are in the upper 90%!

    I have at least 2 months to go (assuming all goes well). Will there be any end to their crazy growth? What if I'm like the N. Carolina woman and am growing 12 lbs babies? I don't have GD, I passed that test this week as well. I know big babies are happy babies, but honestly, I'm a little nervous about this.

    Also, are doctors open to the idea of "no induction"? I have no problem trying a vag birth if they're head down and I go in to labor naturally. I also have no problem with a c-section if position and gestation indicate. What terrifies me is all the the brou-haha that goes on with inductions and how often they fail. Anyone have ideas if it's appropriate to tell the docs NO INDUCTION please!
  2. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't worry about their size. :hug: Just keep on cooking those babies and they'll be whatever size they need be. :good: My two were always very high in percentiles and my ds {baby A had a huge head in utero and still does :lol:} and they were born at 39 weeks {7lbs 14oz and 6lbs 4oz} so they weren't that huge at all. Plus you have to remember that the u/s isn't 100% accurate. I think it's +/- 1lb?? Don't get nervous about it, enjoy it as much as you can.

    I have no experience with the induction question.
  3. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    Not sure about the induction ~ but YAY for big healthy babies :clapping:
    Congratulations on your twinsies (and future football players!)
  4. megan smith

    megan smith Well-Known Member

    My twins were 5 pound 11 ounces and 6 pounds 3 ounces at 37 weeks when they were born. Which are average to big for twins. As scary as it is at the moment Im sure your bubs will be perfect whatever size they come. but I wouldnt worry too much! As for no inductions you should tell them thats how you feel. good luck and congradulations!
  5. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    Mine were bigger, they both measured 2lbs11oz at 26 weeks and 4lbs5oz and 4lbs6oz at 30 weeks and they were close to 8lbs a piece when born at 38 weeks. Big but not crazy, and definitely not 12 lbs. Second u/s can be off, third you could go into labor at 34 weeks (which I hope not) and they may end up good size for 34 weeks but by no means large. KWIM?

    Mine weren't gigantic when they were born, sure they were average size (regular) babies but nothing that couldn't be managed. I was induced, I started to dialate early around 32 weeks and walked around dialated for weeks (between 2-4 1/2 cm). Induction was a breeze. I was on Pitocin at 6 am, a little past 10 am I was complete, pushed 4 times for A and B was born 4 minutes later by breech extraction ... 7lbs11oz and 7lbs10oz and both 20 inches tall, 12 days early and twins. I know they were big twins, I have many friends who weren't even able to produce singletons this size, but they were still average size babies delivery was uneventful.
  6. vivalalexa

    vivalalexa Well-Known Member

    Don't trip mamas!!
    My little ones were in the 95% percentile for every growth scan. They also thought DD was going to be over 8 lbs at birth...
    I took them to almost 39 weeks and DD was 7 lbs 1 oz, 19.5 inches and DS was 7 lbs 2 oz, 20 inches. So they were pretty average.

    I didn't trip on them being big because they were healthy...I didn't have GD either and I think that's a big factor why I didn't worry.
    Since you said you don't have GD just be happy they are big and healthy- no need to worry!! :)
  7. vivalalexa

    vivalalexa Well-Known Member

    Sorry I forgot to write about the induction...
    Check it out: I told my doctor's the minute I found out it was twins that I wanted a c-section. In the beginning they laughed and said if you can have them vaginally, you will. And I was like yeah, whatever, we'll see. At about 7 months they gave in (most likely cause I was so charming about it, haha). I was actually given the OPTION. I had an unscheduled c-section due to preeclampsia but I have yet to meet a mother of twins who's doctor did not give them the choice of induction or c-section.

    You might not have the option to go into labor naturally. There is NO reason that they shouldn't allow you to go to 40 weeks. My c-section was scheduled initially for 40 weeks...

    This is the big factor: towards the end you will get 2 weekly Non-Stress Tests after each of these tests they should do a little quickie ultrasound to find out how much fluid each twin has. Because they are di/di (mine were, too) you will have more fluid which is good!! The minute that the fluid measures less than what they want, they check you into L&D. I had tons and tons of fluid for them to grow to be 9 lb babies and 24 inches long, haha. I am also 5'9".

    You'll just kind of have to see as you go. Around 32-34 weeks usually the doctor asks "have you thought about how/where you want to deliver?" and that would be a great opportunity. Or just be straight up and let them know this is what you want.
  8. Mellizos

    Mellizos Well-Known Member

    Growth slows down after about 30 weeks. Multiples add weight at a much slower rate than singletons. I'd be shocked if they continued in the 90% as you progress.
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