Should I be concerned?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by SC_Amy, Dec 31, 2008.

  1. SC_Amy

    SC_Amy Well-Known Member

    My last growth scan was at my 35w appointment. The OB estimated Baby A's weight at 5lbs 12 oz, and Baby B's at 5lbs 7oz. He did say he felt less confident about Baby A's measurement b/c his head was so low it was tough to measure accurately and that may be throwing it off. But the boys have tended to grow at similar rates--the same or Baby A slightly ahead--so it made sense.

    Just came back from my 37w appt. I had to see my OB's partner since my OB is on vacation this week. He estimated the babies at 5lbs 11oz each. I wish I had asked him if I should be concerned but at the time I was just thinking, "OK, maybe Dr. Austin was right that A's measurement was off last time," but it sounds like even Baby B only gained 4 oz in two weeks.

    What do you think? Would you be concerned? Or would you chalk it up to ultrasound error? And/or even the fact that the measurements were done by two different OBs, and it's late in a twin pregnancy. The boys both got 8/8 on their biophysical profiles, he says they are looking good, my cervix is now dilated to 2-3 so they might come soon and if not, I have an induction scheduled for Tuesday so they'll be out by then at the latest.

    (And for those of you who remember me posting about this, Baby B is vertex again!! :D )
  2. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    Nope I wouldnt worry! My doc didnt even do anymore growth scans after I got to 32 weeks because she said it was too difficult to get accurate measurements. They had dont great up until that point and were born 2 very healthy newborns. They will be here soon! hang in there!
  3. 2plusbgtwins

    2plusbgtwins Well-Known Member

    I may be under-reacting here.. but since you are scheduled to go in on Tuesday, I really wouldnt worry much about it. You will have official weights and measurements when you have them on Tuesday, and they will thrive better in the real world! I would definitely think that what the DR told you two weeks ago was inaccurate due to the positions, as he said, and maybe this time there was some difficulty due to positioning as well, but this DR didnt mention it. Im sure they have a chart that has all that info in it, and if he is a good DR and was paying attention to the measurements from 2 wks ago, he must not have been concerned. . . which as Im typing sounds funny since one babies measurement was smaller than 2 weeks ago.

    If it wasnt soo close to the end, like if you didnt go back to the DR for another 2-3 wks, I might be more concerned, but since you only have 5 days, good luck and we'll be here to hear/read the birth story!!
  4. boog9902

    boog9902 Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't be worried honestly they are both great weights my peri told me that once they get around the 35 week period they aren't going to grow as fast due to the fact there isn't much room in there !!! hang in there your so close to the end!!
  5. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    When you are this far along, it is difficult to get accurate readings and measurements, especially with twins. I wouldn't worry too mcuh about it!
  6. SC_Amy

    SC_Amy Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the feedback, everyone.
    The reason I was concerned is because this OB doesn't have much twin experience and seemed rather in a hurry (I was his last patient before his holiday weekend) so he was rushing things a bit.

    I was thinking the same thing as you all that it's probably OK since I'm getting induced soon anyway, but it's just good to hear from other MOMs. :)
  7. sv2001302

    sv2001302 Well-Known Member

    I probably wouldn't be too worried, but if you are request another ultrasound or at least talk to your doc if you can. Although it does seem a little off that they haven't really grown in two weeks but then that also could be from different person scanning you and rushing. Also, have you had a NST yet? If so, as long as those are showing that their heartrates are normal and nothing else seems unusual than i would say that it seems fine. Another thing would just to be to watch their movements. If they get unusually quiet or something doesn't seem to be right, than call your ob or go to L&D to be monitored. Good luck.
  8. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree with everyone else, that it's probably fine, especially since you are 37 wks they will be here any day now and are going to do wonderful outside the womb, even if the measurements are a little off! :)

    ANGELA SHAW Well-Known Member

    i wouldn worry hun. my last pregancy they said my son was 5lbs 6oz he was actually 6lb 4oz
  10. nicinthebu

    nicinthebu Well-Known Member

    Good luck on Tuesday!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant wait to hear how it goes. I am sure your babies will be amazing!! Best wishes!!
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