Should I be concerned?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by [email protected], Aug 18, 2008.


    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    O.K. would just like a little input from some of you mom's. I was concerned about my DS speech so called Early Access and they came out and evaluated hime (1-2 mo. ago) and said he was right on target, but I am still worried. He has said about 15-18 words but probably only says 7-8 on a regular basis. The ST said she considers more than him just saying words when it comes to communication such as: when he barks when he sees a dog, goes yummmm for food (he love to eat) etc. He also does 3 signs : more, milk and please. I tried to teach him drink but he wanted absolutely nothing to do with it. She said if he doesn't want to do it try another one.

    So my ? is do you think I should be worried or not? He just turned 21 mo.

    Thanks for all your input!
  2. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    he sounds pretty good to me. When Jon was evaluated at 21 months--he needed to score 14 months to qualify and scored 15 months. One of the things that kept him from qualifying was that he would sing/talk to himself when he didn't think anyone was paying attention. They did tell me to call again in 3 months for a re-eval just to check progress. I actually didn't because he did have a language explosion around 2 years. In hindsight, I should have done the re-eval, because when tested a year + later, we discovered that he did have an expressive language delay (he could speak, just couldn't find the words he needed to say what he wanted), and ended up in the preschool disabled program.

    So while he does sound on target, give him a few more months, and then you can call for a re-check, if you are still concerned.
  3. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    Don't be worried. I went through this with my 4 yr old ds. It's true, all forms of communication count. DS signed and did sounds for things, and it meant he understood and communicated. Which is what counts. My ds finally qualified for services right at 3, and a month later he had a speech explosion and started really talking. They really are all different, and he is obviously communicating. I would still do the reassessment and keep going again later if you are still worried. It doesn't ever hurt to have services.
  4. Mellizos

    Mellizos Well-Known Member

    Animal sounds and signs are words. I think your boy sounds just fine.
  5. Cindy H

    Cindy H Well-Known Member

    After age 2 all my kids laguage took off....From what you described he is right on target. With a few words, signs and animal noises. Right now if he is understanding you...good receptive language then I would not worry. He is absorbin it all and someday he will talk so much you wish he did not. (Right now our son talks constant through church when I wish he would be quiet!!)

  6. mich17

    mich17 Well-Known Member

    He sounds fine. I think as long as he can understand what you are saying he is fine. My boys both exploded right after they turned 2. They went from only saying 1 word at a time to full sentences.
  7. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    My ds doesn't say a word, not really. He's almost 21 months old. I've asked several doctors and they're all not worried until age 2. He's fine in every other way. My husband was a late talker (closer to 3), highly intelligent and started speaking in sentences right away. He now easily talks in front of 1000-people audiences so I try not to worry until later this year.
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